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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 151

Everyone in the northeast military camp was celebrating Rocky's magnificent return. During all the festivities, Rocky managed to slide out of everyone's eyesight and went to a secluded part of the camp. He snuck out to join Uriah who was patiently waiting by the exit of the military camp.

"Let's go, boy. We'll have to pick Rubygon up and find a suitable place for the both of you to exercise your newfound abilities." Rocky waved at Uriah, and the spirit-manipulated beast instantly knew what he meant. Rocky then, in tandem with the beast, sneaked off towards the village to the east of the military camp.

It was not long until they arrived at the east village. The villagers looked at Rocky and Uriah for a brief second, and went on with their lives. Their arrival looked like something that happened to them usually with how casual the villagers were with them.

Rocky and Uriah made their way to the sheepfold near Jackson's house. The sight of Sue holding Rubygon as the latter drank goat's milk welcomed them. Her beautiful face was filled with concentration as she watched the beast drink; she did not even notice Rocky arrived. Her side profile was as gentle and as delicate as carved jade. 'She'll grow up to be a beautiful woman, ' Rocky thought to himself.

"Ow ow!" It was at this exact moment when Uriah let out a cry, as if to get the attention of people around them. The quiet and peaceful atmosphere was suddenly disrupted, and Rocky was suddenly awoken from his daydream.

Sue turned to where the noise came from, and there she found Rocky standing outside the sheepfold. He was looking straight at her. Her cold and unsmiling demeanor somehow made her feel weird, in a good way. She couldn't help but blush.

"What are you looking at?" Sue stared back at Rocky with her beautiful eyes, somehow annoyed at the way Rocky was glaring at her.

"I've come to pick up Rubygon," Rocky answered. His eyes darted to Sue's arms where Rubygon was cradled.

"Rubygon who? I haven't heard anyone with that name before. You're definitely at the wrong place. Go find it somewhere else." Upon hearing Rocky's words, Sue tensed up and held Rubygon closer in her arms. She turned her back from him.

When Rocky finally picked up that Sue actually wanted to keep Rubygon, he was undeniably disheartened. It would seem like Sue developed a liking for Rubygon.

"Sue, don't be ridiculous," Jackson blurted as he limped out from the room. He seemed to have injured his foot.

"Jackson, is your foot hurt?" Rocky immediately asked upon seeing him.

Sue answered with anguish, "This is because you—" But she was cut off by Jackson before she could even finish her sentence.

"I'm fine. I was coming home from herding sheep when I had a little accident and sprained my foot. I'll be fine after taking a two days' rest," Jackson promptly assured Rocky. He waved his hand dismissively but he got to come up with a reasonable explanation for his limp.

"Grandpa, your foot injury is obviously because of—" Sue tried to add, but she decided to bite her tongue halfway when she saw Jackson's disapproving look.

"Jackson, if you ever run into any kind of trouble, please do not hesitate to ask me for help," Rocky pleaded. He knew something was off when he noticed how many times Jackson tried to silence Sue. The two were definitely keeping something from him. He was never the one to meddle with other people's lives. But it was different with Jackson. He was one of the few he actually wanted to help because Jackson was a nice man, and he sure could use some help. He had always asked Jackson for goat's milk, but not once did he complain. He was also always very welcoming and accommodating, serving Rocky tea or water whenever he visited. So naturally, Rocky couldn't help but feel obligated to help Jackson if he got in trouble.

"I'm fine, really," Jackson insisted. "Sue, stop acting like a child. You knew we are to take care of Rubygon only for a while. Rocky has come to take it back," he ordered his granddaughter.

"But grandpa!" Sue hugged Rubygon even more tightly and looked very unwilling to surrender it.

"You're a very stubborn girl, Sue. Do you know that?" Jackson raised his voice at Sue. He painstakingly dragged himself inside the sheepfold to snatch Rubygon from Sue. Jackson winced at every step. He did not bother hiding how painful his leg was. His leg throbbed as he moved, and then finally, he fell down to the ground.


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