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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 155

The spirit manipulators of the sixth squad all gathered in the village, anxiously waiting by the opening of the tunnel. All of them restlessly and painstakingly sat tight for Rocky's return. A piece of broken rope was casually lying beside them.

"Thor, is our captain dead?" one of the spirit manipulators asked.

"Stop talking nonsense. Our captain has escaped death before. He will be fine," Joss interjected.

"But it has been a while and he still hasn't come out," another spirit manipulator chimed in.

"Maybe there were more than one spirit-manipulated beast down there. "He must be in danger! If he weren't, the rope would have been still intact," someone added. All of a sudden, the entire group of spirit manipulators fell silent.

"Maybe it's true that..." Thor whispered to himself. He had grown sullen from the amount of time Rocky had spent underground. It was not impossible he had run across some danger.

"Captain! Why did you leave us?" The whole squad bawled in unison. They mourned like there was no tomorrow.

Despite the commotion, Uriah lied calmly on the ground. It disdainfully howled at how big of crybabies these cowards were.

"Oh, for goodness' sake, stop screaming." A familiar voice emerged from behind them.

"Am I going crazy? I think I just heard our captain's voice."

"I heard him too! Maybe he got lonely in the afterlife and wanted us to keep him company."

"Captain, please let us go. We will pray for your soul's repose. Just please don't hurt us!"

All the spirit manipulators were frightened upon hearing the voice of their squad leader, who they thought had already passed on. They were so terrified none of them was able to move.

"Now, all of you, please shut up and just please turn around!" The familiar voice roared again.

The spirit manipulators slowly turned around and found Rocky standing in front of them, safe and sound.

"Captain! You're okay?" Joss asked, pleasantly surprised.

"Were you guys praying for danger to befall me?" Rocky rolled his eyes at his subordinates. They all believed their squad leader had perished down there and were ready to burn ghost money if he wouldn't turn up soon enough.

"No, no, no! Not at all!" Rocky's underlings vigorously shook their heads in disagreement.

"I will be going now," Rocky coldly told his squad, turned around, and started walking away. Uriah followed at once.

"Captain, where is the treasure?" the spirit manipulators asked quietly.

"Did you think I was able to find any treasure down there? There's none. We will move on to another place tomorrow," Rocky casually replied. He left with Uriah at once.


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