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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 156

When Rocky and Uriah were almost at the edge of the mist-shrouded Death Forest, a giant shadow appeared in front of them. It appeared to belong to a gigantic beast. It moved so quickly the ground shook beneath it.

'Is the Dark Heaven Insect finally going to show itself?' Rocky thought to himself. He gazed into the distance and found a giant shadowy figure. A powerful aura coming from the beast instantly engulfed the forest.

"That's some intense aura," Rocky uttered to himself. He was astonished by how immensely he was feeling the beast's aura, considering it was still at a great distance from them. Rocky theorized this spirit-manipulated beast harnessed the same capabilities as a spirit manipulator above eighth grade of the Earthly Stage.

The giant shadowy figure slowly approached them. Rocky was preparing to catch himself a Dark Heaven Insect. Much to his dismay, it was not the kind of spirit-manipulated beast he was waiting for. It was some common wild spirit-manipulated beast. It was mammoth-like. It had a single eye, enormous mouth, and even larger legs. Rocky could tell it was a strong one, maybe a third-grade spirit manipulated beast of three stars.

"This must be the Cyclops Elephant. This war beast has high level of combat power, sometimes as high as four-star. It possesses strong physical strength and a strong tusk that can be used for offense. Who on earth thought a Cyclops Elephant would come?" Rocky hastily browsed the Beast Encyclopedia, looking for this certain spirit-manipulated beast. There were an unbelievably huge amount of information about this beast. Needless to say, Rocky was terrified out of his wits and started to panic. They were hunting for a Dark Heaven Insect in this insufferable Death Forest, but instead, they were given a one-eyed elephant to deal with. This beast was so powerful, his and Uriah's combined power would not suffice to kill it.

Rocky decided not to waste too much energy on this wild one-eyed beast; it was not what they went here for. He immediately took action. His body started gleaming brightly, and he was suddenly covered in multicolored light. In an instant, he release an enormous amount of spiritual power. He was preparing himself to fetch back the magical saliva used to lure the Dark Heaven Insect out.

All of a sudden, the ground below them started shaking forcefully. Rocky's eyes grew wide in disbelief as the slush of mud in the marsh began bubbling. It was not too far from the magical saliva. It was not long when the marsh slush got into a roaring boil.

Rocky was frozen on his tracks when he saw a huge beast emerge from the marsh. It was around ten meters long with two cobra-like heads, both flat and long. Its torso looked like that of a centipede's. It was as wide as a tree trunk. It also released a strong spiritual aura, similar to the one-eyed elephant's. Rocky's entire body was paralyzed by fear at the sight of this wild spirit-manipulated beast.

'When will I get a break? A single three-star beast would be enough to kill me. And now, there are two of them, ' Rocky thought to himself. He frantically browsed through the Beast Encyclopedia, hoping a few information about this beast would help him in defeating it.

"Centipede-snake: a war beast with high combat abilities. Its skill-level could be as high as the four-star level. It lives at the bottom of marshes, and has poisonous protruding spines. Any creature to be of contact with its poisonous spines will be paralyzed and is sure to die," Rocky read from the Beast Encyclopedia. Cold sweat broke from his forehead. Two extremely powerful spirit-manipulated beast stood before him. He was surely to die from encountering one three-star beast, but with his luck, he needed to deal with two. Rocky bade his hopes of retrieving magical saliva goodbye.

Rocky knew he had to pull back. He and Uriah started moving to retreat somewhere safer.

As they cautiously traced back their steps, the Centipede-snake took off and charged toward the magical saliva. It was supposed to bait the Dark Heaven Insect out of its hiding place. The one-eyed elephant saw what the Centipede-snake was trying to do. It let out an otherworldly shriek and also bolted to where the magical saliva was. The ground shook ever so ferociously as everything took place.

The Centipede-snake almost had the magical saliva when the one-eyed elephant attacked it from the behind. Its powerful tusks easily pinned down the Centipede-snake's tail on the ground, rendering it unable to move.

Rocky had decided to flee but having just witnessed the two spirit-manipulated beast fight each other, he was once again unable to move. An idea rushed into his mind. Rocky let out a cheeky snicker as he found them a place to hide in. He wanted to wait and see the outcome of this scuffle.

The one-eyed elephant fiercely lunged towards the magical saliva. The entirety of the Death Forest shook at it steps. Anything its feet landed on was instantly crushed flat.

It did not take long for the one-eyed elephant to reach the magical saliva. It opened its expectedly large mouth and was ready to devour the totality of the magical spit, including the bottle.

But the Centipede-snake was not quite done yet. He charged forward and wrapped itself around the one-eyed elephant's legs. It then used its poisoned spines to prick its opponent. The one-eyed elephant growled in pain as it shook with fear. It tried to vigorously shake the Centipede-snake off its limbs, but failed.

It did not take long for the spine venom to kick in. Soon enough, the one-eyed elephant was paralyzed. As if on surrender, it dropped to the ground and rolled over.

The Centipede-snake was still wounded tightly around the legs of the one-eyed elephant.

It was reduced to a mush of blood and flesh after being squashed by the other wild spirit-manipulated beast.

Not long after, the elephant breathed the last bit of air from its body. These two literally just fought each other to death for a measly amount of magical saliva.

It was just like what they said— when two dogs fight over a bone, the third one runs away with it. The now both dead wild spirit-manipulated beast did not know their greed would lead to their own ruins and put Rocky in a favorable position. He just sat there quietly, waiting for the fight to be over.

"I may have not caught a Dark Heaven Insect, but these two wild spirit-manipulated beasts might be of great value. The Centipede-snake's venom is precious and can be used for medicinal purposes. The tusks of the one-eyed elephant can be made into different tools. There are also other parts I can scavenge." Rocky obtained a lot of information about these wild spirit-manipulated beasts from reading the Beast Encyclopedia. He found out extensive uses for the guts and bones of the two wild beasts who just fought each other to death.


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