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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 159

At that time, Rocky did not know that he had attracted the attention of the two aggressive and smart women, Marin and her cousin Isis. He stayed in his own room as he minded his own business. He was busy squeezing the liquid out of the poison sac which he picked up from the Centipede-snake earlier. He was trying to transfer the extract into an empty jar.

As Rocky saw that a few drops of the thick poisonous liquid with a strange odor were slowly falling into the jar, he narrowed his eyes slightly and wondered, 'This time, not only did I fail to lure more Dark Heaven Insects, I also put myself in grave danger. It is more or less because of my ignorance and carelessness. I only thought that the magical saliva could attract the Dark Heaven Insect but I forgot to consider that other wild spirit-manipulated beasts may also be attracted by it. What a big mistake!

I always have to keep in mind—A fall into the pit, a gain in my wit. I could not afford to make such big mistakes again; otherwise, I might not be so lucky next time. If it wasn't for the two wild and mighty spirit-manipulated beasts who wanted to kill each other while I was in trouble, I would have been the one dead right now.'

Although he made a mistake, he also gained something valuable from the dangerous incident—some treasures from the corpses of the two wild spirit-manipulated beasts, including the Centipede-snake's venom and the one-eyed mammoth's alveolar bones. The Centipede-snake's venom was so deadly that it was able to paralyze the enormous and strong one-eyed mammoth without much trouble. So, he retrieved its poison sac and collected the venom from the sac. Bringing a little of the venom along with him would be beneficial for him if he had to deal with any kind of potential threats like yesterday when he met the one-eyed mammoth and was at a complete loss about what to do.

In addition, he brought back several alveolar bones from the one-eyed mammoth. The bones were stiff and were strong enough to break iron and steel while also being slender enough to be made into bone arrows. When they were used together with the Centipede-snake's venom to attack enemies, it could result in twice the damage with only half the effort.

After the venom in the Centipede-snake's poison sac was completely dried, it was able to fill about half the jar. The amount should be enough to fill Rocky's needs for a while. Rocky then took two small empty bottles, filled them with the venom, sealed them, and hid them properly. Without stopping for a minute, he took out the alveolar bones and pulled out the Frozen Wind Dagger to shape them into bone arrows.

After that, Rocky took out the territory map of the Gehenna Border and drew an "X" on the area he went to yesterday. Obviously, he wasn't able to find any Dark Heaven Insects around that area. By doing this, among the three areas he speculated where the Insects would show up, he now had only two remaining areas waiting to be explored. After a moment of thought, he chose one of the areas and worked out a route to get there from the place he was currently staying. He made up his mind that he would set off the next day to look for the Dark Heaven Insects.

When he realized that it was still a few hours before night would fall, Rocky first gave little Rubygon an hour of stimulation on its brain nerves before going straight to his cultivation but without the use of the Dark Heaven Egg at the medium grade. It was still unknown if he would be able to catch a Dark Heaven Insect. Moreover, the Dark Heaven Egg at the medium grade was very rare and precious. He had to save some of them for future use when caught up in crucial situations. Anyway, even if he used the Egg in his cultivation now, he wasn't sure if he would be able to make a breakthrough and reach the third grade of the Earthly Stage.

Just as it was getting dark, there was a sudden knock on the door outside Rocky's room.

Interrupted by the abrupt knock, Rocky immediately withdrew his spiritual power to stop his cultivation and come back to his senses. He then opened his eyes, got out of his bed, and went straight to the door to see who it was. He knew that it was Thor and Joss, because apart from those two guys, the door hadn't been knocked by anyone else before.

However, Joss was the only one standing in front of his door at that time.

"What's going on?" Rocky asked simply as he looked at Joss.

"Yes, captain. The commander ordered all the captains of the spirit manipulator squads to gather at her camp immediately," Joss said in a hurry.

"Okay, I'll be there," Rocky said as he nodded and dismissed Joss. He then went back to his room to change out of his dirty robes. After asking Uriah to take care of Rubygon, he left his room and headed to the commander's camp.

It wasn't long before Rocky arrived at the commander's camp. As soon as he walked inside, he saw that it was already overcrowded. The captains of all the other five spirit manipulator squads including Evan, the two deputy commanders, and some of the deputy officers were all there. It could be said that almost the entire elite of the northeast military camp was able to gather at her command.

Apart from the disdainful glances cast upon him, he also noticed a peculiar gaze staring at him, as if there were something strange with him. When he tried to see who was staring at him strangely, he found that it was none other than Marin, the commander who ordered him to be at her camp!

However, Rocky also did not show any signs of weakness. He looked right into Marin's eyes as the corners of his mouth curled up a bit and made him look so careless, sloppy, and cynical.


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