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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 158

Seeing that Isis persisted in asking, Marin had no choice but to tell her all the details of what had taken place.

"Are you kidding me?! You really mean to tell me that Rocky, a petty officer, who knows his limited strength, managed to distract the Dark Heaven Insect at the fifth-level of the Earthly Stage all by himself? Is he stupid? How bird-brained! Oh my God!" After listening to the dramatic narration, an odd look crossed Isis's face. She found it difficult to comprehend Rocky's weird behavior.

"But, you still shouldn't have awarded him the first-class military merit, though he has done something great. After all, he is not the one who killed the Dark Heaven Insect. He survived by successfully distracting the insect by chance! " Isis shifted the focus to her concern that the award to Rocky might lead to a flood of first-class merit awards and would make the awards depreciate.

"Indeed, I made that hasty award because I thought that he would not survive. To my surprise, he came back safe. I could not figure out how Rocky dodged the attack of the Dark Heaven Insect, and who really killed that monster," Marin expressed her confusion and helplessness, since she could not revoke Rocky's award. Taking back her decision would prejudice her prestige in the army.

"Marin, according to your description, it is true that this guy is a little strange, but, he should be very smart. Otherwise, he would have been totally obliterated by the Dark Heaven Insect." Isis seemed to grow more interested in this Rocky. His smarts made her more curious about who he was.

"That guy is not only strange, but also extremely annoying." Marin recounted Rocky's disrespectful attitude at the camp, seething with anger.

"Dear sister, I've never seen you hate a man so much. You are not yourself when you mention him." Isis was surprised at Marin's intense dislike of Rocky. Isis had grown up with Marin and knew her quite well. Marin was a forthright tomboy who, while being independent, was amiable and seldom disliked anyone with a passion. Marin acted like a flustered lady when talking about Rocky, though seething with anger. Her demeanor made Isis even more curious.

"I just don't like him. Besides, he seems to have a peculiar identity. So, my dear sister, could you please help investigate how Rocky was enlisted to the northeast military camp?" Marin suddenly requested.

If only Rocky knew that Marin was so resolute to investigate his identity, he would have felt worried and rather uncomfortable. After all, his identity could not be exposed easily, or it would bring great chaos and disturbance in the Holy Dragon Empire.

"Expel him from the military camp since you dislike him. Why do you still want to make an investigation? That is an easy solution, right?" Marin's behavior perplexed Isis.

"I…" In fact, Marin was unable to answer Isis's question. The truth was that she was determined to discover Rocky's secrets which he tried to conceal so well.

Well, I'll send someone to check his background right away. If he is an enlisted man, there should be a record in our headquarters!" Isis clapped her hands and soon a pretty servant girl appeared, "Go to the General Affairs Division and check the recruitment records of the northeast military camp to find out the native place and identity of Rocky - a spirit manipulator."

"Yes, Ma'am." The pretty girl sped away to the Division hastily.

"Thank you, Isis." Marin nodded.

"It is rare that you show interest in a man, Marin. I ought to do you a favor. I would like to meet this man if possible," Isis said meaningfully, her eyebrows raised.

"Cousin, what does your favor mean? All what I do is just driven by my suspicions on his identity. A thorough investigation will much relieve my concerns and give me peace of mind. As a commander of the northeast military camp, it is my duty to know more about Rocky since he serves in my army," Marin explained quickly, catching the hints that Isis was dropping.

"It means nothing special, my dear. But why do you look so nervous if you have no interest?" Marin found no immediate answer for Isis's question.

"Isis, stop playing for fun, or I'll go back to my camp." Marin replied with embarrassment, visibly uncomfortable.


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