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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 173

Rocky's eyebrows knitted as a frown flashed across his face. He sped up instantly and forced his path through the countless ferocious-looking ghost shadows. However, he was bound to bump into the ghost shadows every now and then since he wasn't strong enough to dodge them all. One impact would equate to an attack of Evan's spiritual power to Rocky.

Therefore, when Rocky totally broke through and went out, he looked rather pitiful.

"Ha-ha!" Evan laughed wildly at the sight of Rocky's embarrassed look. Finally! Things became less embarrassing for him.

"Is that all you have?" Rocky said scornfully while staring at Evan.

"I... I will kill you." Evan was entirely enraged at Rocky's words. He flew over to Rocky again and launched furious attacks to him.

Since he had been injured when he got out of the fog, Rocky's power was weakened. More than that, the effect of the magical saliva would also wear off sooner than the last time it was ingested. What was worse, Evan was more powerful than him from the very beginning. Naturally, Rocky was gradually at a disadvantage.

The situation was grim. Without the power of the Holy Dragon Bead, Rocky had no chance to redeem himself and turn the tables.

Before long, Rocky was hit by Evan's palm and spat out a mouthful of blood. As he wiped the corner of his mouth, he braced himself to fight against Evan, not even stopping to catch his breath. Evan was taken aback at such a tenacious style of fighting.

The crowd was also struck dumb with surprise.

Rocky seized the moment and took advantage of Evan's distracted state, shooting out a cloud of luminous nebula which exploded before Evan and forced him to retreat. A blood streak oozed out of the corner of Evan's mouth.

The crowd cried out in alarm as Rocky injured the well-known spirit manipulator.

Since Rocky had hit Evan's face, Evan flew into a rage that was fueled by his humiliation. He prepared to have a life-or-death struggle with Rocky.

Right at that moment, a woman yelled, "Stop this instance!"

Hearing this, Rocky and Evan turned back and saw a pretty woman walking in from the gate of the military camp with several companions. She was very angry.

"Commander Marin..." Evan said as his face turned pale, astonished at Marin's appearance.

"What's going on here?" Marin and the other two Deputy Commanders were completely confused at the scene before them — three spirit manipulators of the first team lay aside on the ground while Rocky and Evan fought against one another.

"Commander Marin, Rocky raped women and killed innocent people. When Matthew, a spirit manipulator of the first team, found out about his crimes, Rocky wounded Matthew and killed two spirit manipulators of the first team. After that, he made a scene in the military camp and injured another three spirit manipulators. He is too wicked to be pardoned. Commander, please sentence him to death." Evan, occupying the first chance, accused Rocky of his fabricated evildoing before Marin.

"What?" Marin was surprised and angry. Staring at Rocky, she really got a shock because she sensed that the spiritual power of Rocky had reached the second grade of the Earthly Stage.

'How could he reach the second grade of the Earthly Stage? He looked so weak before.' Marin wondered to herself.


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