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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 174

"Rocky," Marin said through her gritted teeth. She was starting to get annoyed by Rocky's repetitive reappearances. Her beautiful face was now painted with a dark shade of annoyance. She could not believe Rocky still had the guts to defend himself. He killed people, for crying out loud. It was now obvious he never took her, his Commander, into account.

When Rocky heard Marin's voice, he immediately shifted his focus from Matthew to the commander. He looked firm; his eyes were filled with clearness and indifference. He knew he did not do anything wrong. No trace of regret nor shame could be found in his face.

"Commander, can you believe this guy? He is so arrogant! How dare he do such thing in front of you? He has no respect for the military rules! Commander, you can never go easy on him again. You cannot let this kind of thing slide. Justice must be served. Commander, you have the power to make this right. Please give my two fellow brothers the justice they deserve, after passing so unjustly," Matthew wailed. His face was sullen and morose. He looked like he just lost both his parents. His mind was set on having Rocky killed. If Rocky remained alive, his own life would be in danger. His plan for revenge would be harder to pull off.

"Commander, please listen to Matthew. What he just said is right. Rocky is plain evil! He seems to show no remorse for cruelly killing two spirit manipulators. The crimes he committed are enough to earn himself a death sentence. Aside from that, he also disrupts the northeast military camp operations. Our people's mind would never be at ease knowing a murderer is among our ranks, someone who shows no respect to the military disciplines. If we stay lenient and not do anything about him, the wrath of the public might never die down," Evan respectfully told Marin, all whilst maintaining an intense eye contact. With a situation this bad, he knew Marin would never side with Rocky. Once Rocky was convicted, Marin could no longer do anything to retract it. This would be the end for Rocky.

"Rocky, would like to say anything in your defense?" Marin turned to Rocky. She had known Rocky for a while now. The idea of Rocky killing people without reason just did not sit well for her. Despite her anger towards the murder, she tried her best to keep a clear mind and gave Rocky a chance to speak for himself. She could proceed accordingly only after hearing what the accused had to say.

"Well, for starters, who would you trust more, Commander? Me or Matthew?" Rocky nonchalantly asked Marin. He looked straight at her eyes with utter determination.

Marin was taken aback by Rocky's question. She hesitated for a while and replied, "The truth is of the highest importance today. It has nothing to do with who I believe more."

"Okay then. The truth is Matthew and the two spirit manipulators had been harassing the villagers in the nearby villages. They rob innocent civilians like bandits, all the while claiming it was a just compensation for keeping them safe. Furthermore, Matthew here killed an innocent elderly man from the east village. Not long after, he also attempted to rape a young girl, the granddaughter of the man he murdered. Had I arrived any later, he would have succeeded in desecrating that little girl." Rocky's eyesight almost went black while recounting the horrible things that had happened to Sue and Jackson. He was glaring at Matthew the whole time. If eyes could kill, Matthew would have been long dead.

He was terrified at the way Rocky was angrily staring at him. He was frozen solid. Rocky's eyes pierced through his soul, unraveling every bit of darkness Matthew harnessed inside. He could not help but feel frightened.

Marin was at loss for words with what Rocky had just revealed. Matthew's and Rocky's versions of the truth were the total opposite of each other. Rocky's question finally made sense. Who should she believe? Finding out the truth just became a whole lot more challenging.

Matthew's heart sank as he saw the hesitation from the Commander's face. He was worried Marin would take Rocky's and called out in an instant, "Commander, he's obviously lying! The truth is he took advantage of that girl and killed her grandpa. And now he's pinning those crimes on us! He's trying to get us all killed. He would have succeeded if I did not get lucky. Unfortunately for my brothers, they lost their lives under this murderous man. Losing them from the war would have been more preferable. He is so full of shit."

"Commander, make no mistake of trusting a word from Rocky. He need not to kill those two spirit manipulators and severely injure Matthew if what he said was true. What he just said was a cover up. He intends to bury the truth," Evan added. He gave Matthew a suspicious look. He was starting to doubt Matthew's story. He was aware of how Matthew constantly bothered the villagers. Rocky's statement made sense. If Rocky were saying the truth, he just made a huge fool out of himself. Protecting his subordinates might had just cost him largely. His reputation in the army would be tarnished. He was not directly involved in this whole mess, but he would at the least be reprimanded for giving his underlings an order to attack Rocky without proper investigation. It was too late to regret now. If Evan wanted himself cleared from this whole mess, Rocky must die. He set his mind into making Rocky disappear from the face of the earth.


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