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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 175

Matthew was already feeling quite intimidated by the meaningful look from Marin, and he then saw that Deputy Commander Chen went to investigate under direct orders. Taking into account Marin's implications, he now realized that he was already done. If those villagers testified against him, he would be executed for sure. He could not help directing his gaze to Evan, who might just be the only one that could save him.

Evan caught Matthew's look and immediately understood what he wanted. Fury flashed through his eyes, but he contained it without letting it out.

"Commander, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave of you." Evan bowed to Marin, before instructing someone to take Matthew away.

Soon after, loud sounds of ransacking came from Evan's tent as a figure banged against the wall and then fell on the ground. It was Matthew, whose face was now was twisted in pain as his lower body was once again covered in blood due to his collision with the wall.

"You little bastard! How dare you lie to me! Do you want to die?" Evan stomped on him a couple of more times to let out his rage, looking really furious.

He turned Matthew into a punching bag, letting out all his rage onto him. Matthew had lied to Evan, landing him in an even stickier situation where he couldn't see a way out. Once Deputy Commander Chen found out about the truth, Evan would also be punished for Matthew's crime.

"Captain, I know I made a mistake. I did not know that little turd would have the audacity to come back. Please! For old time's sake, please save me!" Matthew knew that he would definitely lose his life if Evan did not help him. Because of this, Matthew was now willingly taking a beat from Evan. He crawled to his leader and sat up, clinging to Evan's leg and begging him to help. It was very clear that Matthew was a coward who was scared of death and would never learn his lesson.

"Why don't you just die? When Commander finds out, do you think that she is going to let you live? Don't you dare try to drag me down with you!" Evan was infuriated by Matthew's poor judgment. He kicked Matthew with all his might, looking wild and ferocious.

"But captain, you are already in too deep. When Commander finds out what you did, she will be coming after you. You're the one who pointed an eager finger at Rocky in front of everyone and incited everyone to gang up on him. If they find out about the truth, you will be seen as the one who covered up the mistake of your subordinate. Everyone will start to believe that you are simply jealous of Rocky and that this envy was what drove your motivations to eagerly persecute him. You will have a hard time at the northeast military camp." Seeing that begging was not working, Matthew decided to take a different route and use deeper psychology. He knew that if he could not make it out of here alive, he wouldn't go down without a fight. So he launched subtle threats and scare tactics at Evan, hoping to gain some traction and leverage against him so that he would be convinced to help Matthew.

"You!" Evan stared at Matthew in fury. He was right on the brink of ending this pitiful man's life once and for all. However, he couldn't do it even if he was very angry. After all, Matthew's death would probably only lead to more difficulties that would make even more obstacles for him. If he wanted to save Matthew, then there had to be someone to take the fall, which could only be Rocky.

"Captain, if you wish to maintain your status at the northeast military camp, you will have to move quickly. If Commander finds out about the truth, both of us will be screwed," Matthew said it with a cold smile which masked the grimace of enduring the pain in his lower body. Ever since Rocky had destroyed his genitals, Matthew's laugh had been kind of peculiar. Rather strangely, it sounded like a duck's call. Matthew felt as though he had nothing more to lose. All his dignity as a man was gone. But if it was the last thing he did, he wanted to make sure that Rocky would suffer.

Evan gave Matthew a cold stare. Without saying anything, he walked out of the room.

Deputy Commander Chen was leading his men on their way to the village in order to find out the truth about Rocky. Just as they were about to reach the village, a figure appeared before them.


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