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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 182

Rocky bowed his head and whispered in Marin's ear.

"Would those arrangements be possible?" Rocky asked. He looked at Marin, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes, I will arrange for it," Marin hastily replied, blushing. It took a while for her to regain control of herself. Then she cleared her throat and took a step back to distance herself from Rocky. She was rather perplexed that when he had come close to her, she felt a strange feeling stirring within her as her stomach rippled gently. She was a little uneasy about this.

"Well then. We'll leave you now, Commander." Rocky nodded and walked out of the tent with Sue.

"Mr. Bai, what did you say to Commander Marin? Why did she look a little weird?" Sue asked out of curiosity when they were out of the tent.

Rocky ignored her question, as something had suddenly come to mind. Worriedly, he asked, "Where's Little Rubygon, Sue?"

Sue's eyes twinkled with a smile. She untied her worn-out cloak to reveal Little Rubygon, which was sleeping soundly in her arms.

"Oh, how adorable that is!" Seeing this, Rocky was unable to stifle a laugh. Regardless of everything that had taken place in the past few hours, Little Rubygon still slept so peacefully. It was really quite fortunate that Rubygon was so obedient and calm, or its appearance would have surely caused a sensation.

"Let's go to my room first," Rocky said to Sue and led her to his quarters. However, they drew a lot of unusual looks all the way.

"Mr. Bai, why are they staring at us?" Sue asked. She instinctively huddled closer to him, feeling uncomfortable and frightened.

"Because they are all hungry wolves. Upon seeing a pretty lady such as yourself, they are itching to catch your attention," Rocky replied with a mean smirk.

"Don't make fun of me!" Sue pouted, her eyebrows furrowed as she glared at him. She felt rather embarrassed. But it was not long before her eyes quickly lost their spark once more. Morosely, Sue said, "Grandpa is gone. What will I do all by myself?"

"I've asked Commander Marin to arrange a place for you. When you get there, you can start a new life," Rocky said and gave a soft sigh.

"Where shall I go?" Sue asked while looking up at Rocky.

"I don't know yet, but I'm sure she'll know of somewhere safe and pleasant," Rocky replied gently.

"So that means I can't see Little Rubygon anymore," Sue said, frowning sadly.

"Don't worry, Sue. I'll make you a promise, alright? When I have time, I'll take Little Rubygon to see you," Rocky comforted her.

"Really? You better keep your word! Let's call it a deal." Sue stared at him earnestly, her eyes wide open with innocence and sadness.

Rocky smiled gently and nodded.

When they arrived at his quarters, they were greeted by the sight of Thor, Joss and Uriah.

"Captain!" Thor and Joss exclaimed happily, rushing over to him in a fit of excitement. All was not lost. Fortunately, Rocky had escaped by the skin of his teeth by the plot that Evan and Deputy Commander Chen had set into motion. It was definitely a cause for celebration.

"Why are you so happy?" Rocky darted a strange look at the two. Obviously, Rocky felt a little uncomfortable before their sudden ardor.

"Captain, we're happy that you were cleared of wrongdoing. We were always sure that the captain of our sixth squad would never do such a thing. Matthew and those self-righteous people are always playing the tyrant at will. How dare they do such a thing? Captain, you really gave them what they deserved!" Joss shouted passionately. Matthew and his friends had bullied Joss endlessly, so it greatly gladdened his heart to see Rocky dole out some karma. What was even more unexpected was that Matthew had been executed!

"Captain, would you introduce this lovely girl to us?" Thor asked, grinning at Sue.

"What's wrong with you? Well. I have another thing to tell you. From now on, I'm not your captain. I think I've taught you well. You know how to take care of yourselves," Rocky said calmly and took Sue and Uriah into the room. Thor and Joss were left outside, looking at one another in speechless shock.

After they entered the room, Little Rubygon woke up. Sue took it in her arms and played with it. It yawned happily. As for Rocky, he sat aside and cultivated his power by closing his eyes and meditating.


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