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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 183

About an hour later, a couple of carriages stopped outside of the beast farm. The loud sound of thumping and wheels rolling became silent as the carriages pulled up in front of the farm. The carriages were all loaded with huge chunks of meat in their back, weighing dozens of pounds each. A couple of men jumped off and started to unload the meat. There were grunts and thuds as they hauled the meat out of the carriage and in front of the beast farm. It took them about half an hour before they finished unloading all of it.

After checking if they have unloaded everything, they jumped back on the carriages and took off the same way they came. Soon enough, they were out of Rocky's sight and the sounds of their carriages are fading into the distance. Rocky stared at the pile in front of him in disbelief.

"It cannot be! They just left like that? How will I carry all these meat inside by myself?" Rocky popped his head from the beast farm. In his imagination, being a feeder did not involve such hard labor.

Rocky couldn't help but feel extreme regret. Had he known that this job was like this, he would had asked Marin to transfer him somewhere else. Somewhere mellow perhaps instead of here where he was struggling with the meat. However on the plus side, the beast farm was the only place for him to improve his Magical Evaluation Skill. So despite the great inconvenience, he had to put up with it. He made the decision back then, so he had to see it through. Right now, he had meat to carry. He grumbled and cursed under his breath. Just because he had to do it, doesn't mean he had to like it.

"Fine. I can do it." Rocky sighed. He stomped to the pile and then picked up a piece of meat weighing dozens of pounds and carried it back to the beast farm.

One by one he picked up all of the meat and placed them in the cribs of all spirit-manipulated beasts. He grunted and cursed every time he picked up a meat and carried it all the way to the cribs. After he finished feeding the beasts, Rocky decided to practice his Magical Evaluation Skill. However, just as he was about to begin, a low voice came beside Rocky. "Are you done feeding them?"

Rocky looked up and saw that Sheridan had appeared out of nowhere. He stared at him expectantly.

"Yes, it's all done." Rocky nodded.

He then entered the beast farm to inspect Rocky's work. Rocky waited for him to finish. Rocky was sure that every beast had meat to eat. However, after a moment, Sheridan walked back outside and shouted at Rocky angrily. "All the spirit-manipulated beasts have not eaten a single piece of meat!"

Rocky was stunned. He also walked back into the stable to check and found that all the meat he put there were barely touched. For some reason, all spirit-manipulated beasts did not even bother to look at the meat. It was a strange scenario. Why wouldn't they eat their meat when it was right in front of them?

"What the hell happened?" Rocky felt very strange and wondered if these spirit-manipulated beasts were having a hunger strike just because they did not like him. Was it possible for them to do that? Could they really hold back out of contempt?

"Haven't I taught you that these food must be washed with fresh water and then brushed with pig blood before they go into the crib? All spirit-manipulated beasts like their meal fresh with blood on it. The meat will not be fresh after being cut up and delivered. It is our job to re-fresh the meat up," Sheridan said while checking the meat.

Rocky rolled his eyes and turned to stare at him, thinking that he must be picking on him. He had never taught him any of these before. Had he intentionally withheld that information to torment him? These spirit-manipulated beasts were really meticulous and demanding when it came to their food. Uriah, who was much more powerful than they were, was less picky. He would eat just about anything. He blamed Sheridan for this as he thought he caved in too much to their preference. So now these spirit-manipulated beasts were just so pampered.

"What are you waiting for? Wash the meat and dip it in pig blood. Do it now." Sheridan waved at Rocky to rush him as he saw that he was just standing there.

"Fine!" Rocky gave him a hard stare and turned to do his job.

"I wouldn't have thought that he could be a spirit manipulator at the second grade of the Earthly Stage. No wonder he was taking a spirit-manipulated beast at the second grade of three-stars last time I saw him. I think he is quite gifted, bringing up his spirit-manipulated beast well. He might be worthy of my teaching. It is not easy to be a spirit manipulator who can unleash the true potential of his spirit-manipulated beast. In the entire northeast military camp, only Marin was a little gifted. The rest have no talent at all except for this one," Sheridan murmured to himself while examining Rocky. He definitely emitted a different kind of aura.

It was about to go dark when Rocky was able to finish taking care of all the spirit-manipulated beasts. He was sweaty and exhausted, and he definitely needed to freshen up. He felt this job was much more tiresome than cultivation.

"Kid, since you are in my turf, you will have to obey my rule. Be quick with your work and don't get lazy on me. That is it for today." Sheridan showed up from the side as he reminded Rocky.

Rocky rolled his eyes at Sheridan and left the beast farm. He then took Uriah and Rubygon out of the military camp for a quick shower in a river nearby. Afterwards, he held Rubygon for a neuron exercise for an hour before he started to cultivate for the night.

The next morning Rocky went to the underground nest to see the condition of Dark Heaven Insects. After making sure that they were okay, he then strolled back to the military camp. He ordered Uriah to look after Rubygon in the house before proceeding to the beast farm.


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