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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 184

After Rocky went back to the house, he fetched the bow and arrows along with other necessary equipment. He then took Uriah and Rubygon to sneak out of the military camp and head for the last possible location under the jurisdiction of the northeast military camp where they could possibly find the Dark Heaven Insect.

This location was in the southernmost part called the Carcass Valley. The name itself was terrifying enough, not to mention that it was an area where wild spirit-manipulated beasts wandered, which made their exploration rather dangerous.

By the time Rocky arrived at the Carcass Valley, it was already dark. It was also very quiet all around.

The Carcass Valley was rich in foliage and water, which made it suitable for different wild spirit-manipulated beasts to survive. It was easy to assume there were at least hundreds of spirit-manipulated beasts wandering inside the valley. Luckily, it was already late at night which meant that most wild spirit-manipulated beasts were already resting in their nests except for the nocturnal ones.

A rustle came from a thick patch of grass where a figure then appeared, followed by two smaller beasts that differed in size.

They were Rocky and his two beasts - Uriah and Rubygon.

"Howl!" Rubygon growled nervously. This was the first time it followed Rocky into a dangerous place like this.

"Shhhh, you have to keep quiet." Rocky gestured to Rubygon.

Uriah also hit Rubygon's little head tenderly with its claw as a way to let it know that it must be quiet.

"This place could be really dangerous. I have sensed auras of different wild spirit-manipulated beasts from all directions." Rocky frowned. If he took out the magical saliva in a place like this, he would immediately be surrounded by a group of wild spirit-manipulated beasts before the Dark Heaven Insects could even show themselves.

However, the magical saliva was also the only way to attract the Dark Heaven Insects and it had certainly placed him in quite a dilemma.

To avoid drawing the attention of any other wild spirit-manipulated beasts, Rocky walked around the valley first to check its topography while at the time detecting the potential spots for the nests of the Dark Heaven Insects.

The valley was quite big. By the time Rocky finished his tour, it was already deep into the night with tons of stars shining brightly in the sky.

'The radius is bigger than that of the previous two areas. There are four potential spots for the nests of the Dark Heaven Insects. However, I could not just ask Uriah to take out the magical saliva and run around those four spots. Guess I will have to try them out one by one.' Rocky touched his chin as he contemplated. He then took Uriah and Rubygon to the first spot. It was a highland right next to a swamp which was a perfect habitat for the Dark Heaven Insects.

"Uriah, it's your time to shine." Rocky took out the bottle which contained one drop of magical saliva and tied it to one of Uriah's claws. He then asked Uriah to start running around the highland

while he took Rubygon with him hiding nearby as they waited for the Dark Heaven Insects to show up.

Uriah did not run far before it drew the attention of the wild spirit-manipulated beasts nearby, just as Rocky had expected. There were three of them that looked like crocodiles with thick and long tails that crawled out of the swamp. Luckily they were all two-star spirit-manipulated beasts which were tantamount to spirit manipulators at the eighth grade of the Mortal Stage.

Uriah saw that it attracted the attention of three wild spirit-manipulated beasts so it ran towards Rocky's hideout as soon as it could.

Rocky was aiming with his arrow. He shot it out and it hit one of the wild spirit-manipulated beast and paralyzed it instantly.

The other two spliced out and kept chasing Uriah while striking up dust with their strong tails that blocked Rocky's vision.


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