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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 186

Rocky stared closely at the spot under the magical saliva and soon, he saw something pitch-black crawl out of the ground. The creature had a hard, black shell and black wings. Rocky realized that it was the Dark Heaven Insect that he had been looking for. This particular Insect's strength was at the first grade of the three-star level, the same as that of the one he had captured earlier.

Rocky heaved a sigh of relief. The Dark Heaven Insect at the first grade of the three-star level was pretty easy to deal with. It would not take him too much effort to capture it alive. On one hand, his strength was the same as the creature's. And in addition to that, he had secret weapons—the bone arrows dipped in the Centipede-snake's venom, powerful enough to paralyze a big beast in a split second. But before he could move in to capture it, he saw another huge figure crawling out of the ground nearby. It was another Dark Heaven Insect. But this one was at the second grade of the three-star level, stronger than the previous one. Its strength was at least equivalent to a spirit manipulator, who was at the second grade of the Earthly Stage.

"Wow! I get to kill two birds with one stone? I just can't believe my luck!" Rocky blurted out jubilantly. He was surprised by the arrival of the second Dark Heaven Insect. It was hard to believe that he had managed to lure two Dark Heaven Insects out of their caves at the same time with his magical saliva.

Although it was a lucky break that two of them had popped out from underground all of a sudden, it was going to be tricky to capture and get them back. He had to figure out a good plan fast. If there were only one of them, it would have been easy for him to capture it alive. But now, he had to capture both at the same time. It was going to be a bit troublesome. The Dark Heaven Insect was very difficult to deal with because of its tough skin. Rocky had to conquer the two Dark Heaven Insects at the same time. He would be in serious trouble if they joined together to fight him off.

He watched as the two Dark Heaven Insects crawled out of the ground and dashed towards the magical saliva that was hanging above them. Rocky felt his heart pound and his mind was racing. He knew that he had to come up with a good plan as soon as possible. Opportunity seldom knocked twice; if he missed this chance to catch the two insects alive, it would be hard for him to find an opportunity like this again. His plan, although it was an absolutely difficult challenge, was to take the risk and go all out to capture the two insects alive. But if that plan failed, he would kill the weaker one first, and capture the stronger one alive, since it could produce Dark Heaven Eggs at the medium grade. It was the best strategy he could come up with at that moment—sacrifice the knights in order to save the queen, which meant making minor sacrifices to safeguard major interests.

Making up his mind quickly, with two abrupt whoosh sounds, Rocky shot two bone arrows stained with the Centipede-snake's venom, one after another, towards the Dark Heaven Insect at the second grade of the three-star level. He wanted to immobilize the stronger insect first so that he could concentrate on capturing the weaker one.

But Rocky had completely underestimated the strength of the stronger Dark Heaven Insect. The moment he shot the bone arrows, the stronger Dark Heaven Insect immediately noticed the threat. Before the arrows could reach its body, it suddenly turned around and flapped its black wings swiftly. A gust of air rose, which deflected the flying bone arrows instantly and they pierced into the trunk of a tree nearby. His original plan had failed.

Rocky squinted, looking cold and grim. The situation had gotten trickier for him if he wanted to capture the two insects together. The weaker three-star Dark Heaven Insect became alert after it saw what had happened. It turned around and stood next to the stronger Dark Heaven Insect, hissing hysterically and looking ferociously at Rocky. But soon, it sensed the danger in the air instinctively and tried to quickly escape back into its cave.

"Uriah!" Rocky waved to his war beast. He wasn't planning on letting either one of the insects escape.

Uriah understood Rocky's orders and immediately howled deafeningly. As it roared into the sky, its two flame tails entangled with each other and a fireball appeared. It shot out, and with a loud bang, the fireball exploded in front of the two holes from where the two Dark Heaven Insects had crawled out of.

The earth shook for a moment, and the holes collapsed and were buried under gravel and soil.

When the two Dark Heaven Insects realized that they could not return to their nests, they hissed angrily at Rocky. The stronger Dark Heaven Insect stretched its black wings and rushed toward Rocky, ready to attack. The creature's huge body, coupled with its super power, destroyed everything in its path and razed everything in the way to the ground.

"Uriah! I'll leave the big guy to you. Be careful!" Rocky said.

Uriah roared twice towards the sky, and then charged towards the stronger insect. Uriah's roars caught the attention of the stronger insect. When it realized that Uriah's power was equal to its own, it immediately grew hostile and stared at the enemy with its cyan pupils. It took an attack stance and rushed towards Uriah.


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