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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 187

With a resounding boom, a fireball was catapulted from Uriah's tail and heavily hit the iron-hard shell of the stronger three-star Dark Heaven Insect. With a shower of blinding sparks, its shell began to smoke.

A few meters away, Rocky could sense that Uriah had greatly weakened in physical strength and speed. The Dark Heaven Insect seized the opportunity and struck at Uriah, wiping it out. Because of the enormous consumption of its physical strength, Uriah rolled over on the ground before it could stagger and stand up. Fortunately, it wasn't hurt badly.

Seeing Uriah being knocked down, Rocky was about to step in to offer some help. However, at the moment, a beast as small as a dog ran out. Standing before Uriah, it made threatening gestures to the Dark Heaven Insect, valiant despite its harmless size.

"Little Rubygon!" Rocky cried out. He was totally astounded when he recognized the small creature, totally not expecting it to come rushing out to defend Uriah. However, Little Rubygon's power was nowhere near the caliber of the Dark Heaven Insect.

The Dark Heaven Insect was visibly irritated by the small beast in front of it. Without hesitation, it ran right at Little Rubygon, who would be killed or severely wounded if a collision happened. Rocky could only watch in horror, with no time to save poor Little Rubygon.

But all of a sudden, a beast jumped forward to keep Little Rubygon behind it. It took the blow from the collision of the Dark Heaven Insect. With a deafening bang, the impact wave spread to all directions, dirt and stones flying as though they had been swept up in a hurricane. The ground was shrouded in dust.

Uriah whimpered. It was completely exhausted and couldn't take it anymore, collapsing on the ground. However, at the moment, the Dark Heaven Insect was preparing to launch a second attack. Uriah was in a critical condition. Its life was in great peril!

"Whistle!" A bone arrow zoomed rapidly through the air, sinking neatly into the hind leg of the Dark Heaven Insect. Pushed by the mighty momentum of the arrow, the Dark Heaven Insect lost its balance and tumbled down on its back.

At the point, Rocky darted towards the Dark Heaven Insect, tightly clutching the Frozen Wind Dagger. He stabbed its soft underside, and the Centipede-snake's venom seeped instantly into its bloodstream. Almost right away, the Dark Heaven Insect was totally paralyzed, unable to fight back at all.

"Uriah!" Rocky shouted as he rushed to Uriah, which was hobbling to stand up. Going through the second violent collision, Uriah looked miserable. It was clear that it was suffering through a great deal of pain. However, after a careful examination, Rocky diagnosed that apart from some side effects of the collision, there was no fatal wound inflicted. He breathed a sigh of relief, patting Uriah gently.

Little Rubygon ran over to Uriah and whimpered, as if to thank it for saving its life. Uriah bowed its head to rub against Little Rubygon's, comforting the distressed beast.

Rocky turned back to look at the two Dark Heaven Insects. Though Rocky had brought them under control, he was scratching his head at how he could possibly transport them back. Last time, he had captured only one Dark Heaven Insect, so the situation was easier to handle. But two Dark Heaven Insects were a different story, and they were pretty big to boot. It was going to be a really tricky problem to bring the two Dark Heaven Insects back without raising the attention of soldiers of the northeast military camp.

It was a pity that Rocky wasn't a spirit manipulator at the Heavenly Stage, or he could deal with the two Dark Heaven Insects without making an effort. After all, when a spirit manipulator reached the Heavenly Stage, he or she would be able to open the Magic Spiritual Space which was capable of connecting one space with another. With the Magic Spiritual Space, Rocky could have carried the spirit-manipulated beast with him to avoid unnecessary trouble and others' attention. Even more beneficial was the fact that when a spirit manipulator evolved beyond the Heavenly Stage, his spirit-manipulated beast would gradually grow into a giant one along with his increase in power. Once this happened, his spirit-manipulated beast couldn't enter towns and cities. Otherwise, it would wreak great damage in its path. In other words, the Magic Spiritual Space was a must for the spirit manipulator in multiple aspects of life.

Rocky took down the bottle containing the magical saliva and put it away in case that other wild spirit-manipulated beasts would be attracted. His spiritual power had almost run out and Uriah's reserves had also reached its extreme limit. If they met any other powerful wild spirit-manipulated beasts, they would be in great trouble indeed.

For the sake of security, however, Rocky took a drop of the magical saliva and also gave one to Uriah so that they could both recover their physical strength and spiritual power as soon as possible. Rather than suffer an unexpected attack, he decided that the wise thing to do was utilize two precious drops of the magical saliva.


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