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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 188

"Am I worthy enough to rob you now?" Rocky raised his eyebrows as he mocked the frightened squad leader. He hid in fear, completely trembling in dread. One would wonder where the arrogant leader who he used to be went.

"Yes. You are. You are competent enough now. You can take these. They're all yours now," the squad leader answered, his voice shaking in fear. Soon enough, he and his men fled with their tails in between their legs.

When the other spirit manipulators were gone, Rocky herded the bald camels together and made them pull the two carts he just robbed. After leading them to where he captured the Dark Heaven Insects, he dismounted the woods that previously occupied the carts and replaced them with the freshly captured Dark Heaven Insects. He had Uriah and Rubygon leading the camels on the way back. It was indeed a fruitful journey.

But their trip was interrupted constantly. Rocky knew better and remained careful around the squads of spirit manipulators patrolling the northeast military camp. He could not afford bumping into them. With all the tiptoeing around the other military personnels, it took Rocky almost the entire day to reach the Ghost Village.

Rocky made the bald camels help with the excavation of the cave in the middle of the Ghost Village. Just like what he did last time, he hid these two Dark Heaven Insects in the den. The den beneath the Ghost Village was spacious enough for seven to eight Dark Heaven Insects. If it ever got too crowded, he could always expand the den. Space was not an issue.

After knocking the two Dark Heaven Insects unconscious with the Centipede Dragon venom, Rocky went back up to the surface. He headed towards the bald camels and unbridled them.

"You are all free now," Rocky told the camels while gently patting their heads. He could not help but feel sorry for these creatures for they were ruthlessly enslaved by the soldiers.

The bald camels seemed to understand what Rocky just told them. They let out a cry and looked at each other for a few seconds. They then lowered their heads, as if trying to show Rocky their gratitude. They galloped out of the Ghost Village in a herd with an elder one leading them.

Now that the camels were freed, Rocky took his time walking back to the military camp with Uriah and little Rubygon.

'I might need to head over to the town tomorrow. I have to forge giant cuffs to constrain the Dark Heaven Insects. I could also sell the materials I collected from the wild spirit-manipulated beasts. The sales might just be able to cover the expenses for forging the giant cuffs, ' Rocky thought to himself.

Rocky and his companions finally reached the military camp. He sent Uriah and little Rubygon straight to his house before heading to the beast farm. Upon his arrival to the beast farm, he was instantly greeted by Sheridan's intense castigation. It was nothing unusual for Rocky. He was getting chastised because he was gone for almost an entire day.

"What are you doing just standing there? Can't you see it's almost dark? You have to finish cleaning the whole of the beast farm before it's too dark to see!" Sheridan was fuming. He did not linger and wait for Rocky's answer. Instead, he left in a hurry, as if he was summoned somewhere else.

"What an ill-tempered old goat! I was just a little late today. No big deal. It's really not something I should be scolded for. But I am in such a good mood today. I am not letting you ruin this for me. I will forgive you despite everything you just said and I won't argue with you anymore," Rocky said despite having no one around to hear it. He made a face the moment Sheridan turned his back against him. What a very lucky day for him. He captured two Dark Heaven Insects in just a single raid! He had also captured another one prior. Two of them were at the first grade of the three-stars while the other one was at the second grade of the three-stars. If things went well, he would have at least two primary Dark Heaven Eggs within two months. The breeding period for Dark Heaven Insects at the first grade was less than two months. It was around three months for those at the second grade. Meaning, he would be able to harvest one medium Dark Heaven Egg every three months. These Dark Heaven Eggs would be of huge help in elevating his power.

He would be able to get his hands on at least one medium Dark Heaven Egg and about four primary ones every three months. It was what every spirit manipulator's dream was made of. For someone high ranking, like Commander Marin, a primary Dark Heaven Egg is given only every three months. Yet Rocky has a mine that produced Eggs exclusively for him. What a blessing for a spirit manipulator!


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