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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 193

After the items of the second round were unveiled, people who hadn't gotten anything in the first round became even more restless. This resulted in the second round fetching a much larger amount of money than the first.

Everyone who was participating in the auction was visibly excited, many of them sweaty. Most also looked exhausted, as if they had done some strenuous exercise. It was obvious that the tug-of-war and social dynamics at the auction were very fierce.

"Everybody, just relax. There is going to be a third round," the boss said, also sweating heavily. He raised his hand. Three fingers, a third round.

"What!? A third round? There's going to be a third round?

Are you kidding us?

How does your Super Beast Farm own so many treasures?"

Someone exclaimed, inciting the crowd into an uproar.

"That is a trade secret, sir. I'm afraid I can't tell you," the boss said in an assertive tone. He gestured for the items of the third round to be presented to the public.

Everyone's attention was now on the items on the platform. They all gaped at these treasures in sheer amazement. The items displayed were totally different from those in the last two rounds. They were more valuable and certainly much rarer!

The whole place was plunged into complete madness. The auction had now turned into a battlefield where bullets were money. All because of Rocky's things! And at the end of this war, the real victors would not actually be the winning bidders but Rocky and the Super Beast Farm.

This result was obvious from the very first round.

After three rounds, the result broke the record of the Super Beast Farm. The amount of money achieved in these three rounds was larger than what it made in a month!

The boss was ecstatic about this result. He looked so overjoyed, his mouth stretched out in such a wide grin that it looked comically distorted.

People were preparing to leave, thinking that the auction would be over at that time when the boss announced that there would be a fourth round. Most of the bidders had spent all of their money in the last three rounds and cursed in regret when they heard that there would be a fourth round. And those who still had some money beamed with pleasure, looking around with arrogance at the unhappy bidders. They prepared themselves for the upcoming round.

"Where on earth did the Super Beast Farm get so many treasures?" Isis, who had bought several objects asked herself, extremely confused. She was a frequent customer to the Super Beast Farm, so she knew it like the back of her hand. She knew that it was highly unlikely for the Super Beast Farm to have the ability to put so many invaluable things for auction.

Quickly, she noticed that the boss stepped down the platform and went behind the folding screen.

"Is the Super Beast Farm an agent for someone? And this man doesn't want to get himself exposed. But who on earth is he that's able to get so many treasures?" Isis thought, her sharp brain connecting the dots with rapid ease. She was curious about the man who had asked the Super Beast Farm to sell these items for him.

Before long, the items of the fourth round were wheeled to the platform.

When they saw what was laid out in front of them, the bidders all trembled with excitement. They sat in rapt attention, their eyes open wide for fear of missing a single piece. The items that were showcased in the fourth round were extremely rare and priceless treasures.

The boss arranged them slowly, knowing that the long and tantalizing wait would drive the bidders into a frenzy of spending money.

"Oh my gosh! Is that the best-quality gossamer that can only be produced by the Silk Spider at the second grade of the two-stars? I can't believe my eyes!"

"Jesus! I see a two-star Leopard Deer's dick! That's what every man craves for! It's said that a small cup of the wine soaking this thing can make an old guy full of vigor again."

"Wait! Wait! Is that the tail hair of the Leopard Fox? It's very popular among wealthy ladies. This species is incredibly rare that its tail fetches an enormous price!"

The whole place fell into an uproar once again.


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