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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 194

Bang! A red date fell at Calvin's feet. Startled and slightly hurt, he withdrew his hand immediately. He swore fiercely, "Who the hell attacked me?"

"Me!" A voice rang out from behind the screen. A figure stepped out into everyone's view.

Of course, who else could it be but Rocky?

Everyone was staring at him now. All of them felt surprised for a moment at the sight of him, Rocky. Isis frowned, feeling kind of disappointed to see that the man who was hiding behind the screen was dressed up in rustic clothes. She thought it had been a great master hiding behind the screen, but it turned out to be some bratty boy. Moreover, his spiritual power was much weaker than other spirit manipulators that it was so weak that it was almost undetectable! What a shame.

Naturally, Isis thought to herself that she was all wrong. This pathetic guy, Rocky, couldn't be behind all those wonderful treasures at the auction in Super Beast Farm today!

Calvin glared at Rocky angrily. He was especially irate when he found out that the man who had interrupted him was just a country bumpkin. He yelled out loudly, "Son of a bitch! How dare you attack me? Don't you know who I am?"

"You're an idiot," Rocky replied with a cold smile on his face. Initially, Rocky hadn't meant to get involved in this mess. But he could clearly comprehend that the veiled woman, also known as Isis, seemed to be intent on hiding her real identity and was not going to fight back for herself. If she really wanted to fight back, the arrogant Calvin would have already learned a brutal lesson from her and have stopped acting so arrogant. So, Rocky was somewhat curious about why Isis was hiding her identity. He thought that inserting himself into the situation would be beneficial for both his curiosity and Isis's reasons.

After hearing what Rocky said, the others present there immediately burst into laughter. Even Isis was amused by Rocky's words and couldn't help but crack a smile from behind her veil.

And once Isis smiled, her charm instantly captivated everyone in the Super Beast Farm. All of the bidders now watched her with fascination.

Calvin looked at Isis, who was quite indifferent to him just now, and saw that she was amused by Rocky's words. He felt extremely unhappy.

"This lady has already said that she doesn't want your gift. Why did you insist on disturbing her when she clearly told you no? Just get out of her way," Rocky said, staring coldly at Calvin and crossing his arms.

"You little bastard! Do you really want to argue with me over a woman when you are dressed in such shabby clothes? Who do you think you are?" After hearing what Rocky said, Calvin thought Rocky was also interested in Isis as he did. He stepped forward intimidatingly, puffing out his chest like a rooster.

Rocky sneered, then turned to the boss of the Super Beast Farm and said, "Boss, just give the money back to this son of a bitch. I don't want to sell the tail hair of the Leopard Fox to him now."

"What?" The boss of the Super Beast Farm was surprised to hear that, because the tail hair of the Leopard Fox was just sold for fifteen thousand golden coins to Calvin, which was the highest priced item that they sold today. It was a good deal and would make a lot of money. He could not understand why Rocky was going to stop this trade now.

"Who the hell are you? Do you think you're in charge now?" Calvin scoffed.

"Well, I asked the boss to sell the tail hair of the Leopard Fox for me. So, I am in charge of this. It's mine, after all," Rocky sneered.

"You are the seller of the tail hair of the Leopard Fox? Who are you trying to fool?" Calvin questioned Rocky with disdain on his face.

"Mr. Calvin, the tail hair of the Leopard Fox was indeed sold by this gentleman." The boss of the Super Beast Farm hurriedly came up to affirm what Rocky had just said. What he didn't mention was that Rocky was the owner of not only the tail hair of the Leopard Fox, but all the auction items today. Anyway, Rocky had asked him to keep it as a secret beforehand.


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