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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 205

However, it had been a time of war during the last few years. Several big wars had broken out from time to time. Therefore, the four major military groups had definitely suffered inevitable losses in terms of their royal spirit manipulators. As a result, the general number of the Holy Dragon Empire's royal spirit manipulators was decreasing constantly. Yet, only 30 new royal spirit manipulators could be recruited each year due to the strict selection process. Obviously, such a small number was not enough to supply the increasing demands for the royal spirit manipulators.

The Holy Dragon Empire, as well as other empires, regarded the spiritual manipulators who inherited the power of the spiritual race as the best of the best. Considered the cream of the crop, they were looked up to as an elite force. For example, the Magic Phoenix Empire had the phoenix spirit manipulators, and the Timber Deity Empire had the timber spirit manipulators. These elite spirit manipulators were all strictly protected and carefully overseen by their own empire. Their cultivation was of the highest priority. In fact, it could be said that the number and strength of these elite spirit manipulators were also the embodiment of an empire's strongest combat power.

At that moment, Rocky, who was in the Spirit Possession state, had the power of both an ordinary spirit manipulator and a royal spirit manipulator, which was considered something quite impossible. Generally speaking, the ordinary spirit manipulator couldn't have the power of the royal spirit manipulator, while the royal spirit manipulators couldn't have other powers except for the dragon spiritual power.

However, Rocky had managed to combine both. How could he make the impossible happen? It owed to the fact that he was once a formal royal spirit manipulator. The red light in the spiritual flame was also a part of the power of the Holy Dragon Bead, which appeared before Marcia sealed it. Thus, although Marcia sealed the power of the Holy Dragon Bead in his body, the spiritual flame that produced the spiritual power was somewhere deep within him. The red light in the spiritual flame was also retained in his body.

After he started the Spirit Possession, a kind of magic where the spirit manipulator could fuse with spirit-manipulated beasts and possess their power, the red light lurking in his body was activated by the special capability of the Fire nature in Uriah's body. What all this indicated was that Rocky had the special ability to manipulate the nature of Fire from then on. As an ordinary spirit manipulator, Rocky had the ability to manipulate the nature of Fire. Such a unique situation only happened once in a blue moon.

Obviously, Uriah's injury turned out to manifest as a new opportunity for Rocky to strengthen his power. How lucky he was!

Rocky, who figured out his good luck, immediately put on a sly smile. Obviously, he had a plan. He suddenly jumped up and waved his hands to launch the power of the red light and the Vast Nebula Skill directly toward an empty house in the Ghost Village. It was apparent that he wanted to test the power of his newly regained ability. He grinned with satisfaction. It was clearly visible that the two different spiritual powers were intertwined in the air. One was misty like nebulae, while the other was red like burning flames.

Bang! In the blink of an eye, the house was easily razed to the ground after only a second of being attacked by the two spiritual powers. It turned into a large, blackened crater, with dust and smoke rising from its depths. It was as though an asteroid had landed! The attack combing the impact of the nature of Fire was quite powerful.

Although Rocky still had some doubts as to why his spiritual flame had such a weird transformation, he was now relieved to find out that this peculiar change was not a bad thing.

Of course, Rocky didn't know at that moment that the odd changes in his spiritual flame were also related to the Holy Dragon Bead. The mystery of this artifact was that it would offer a spirit manipulator unlimited possibilities. If Rocky would be able to regain the power of the Holy Dragon Bead, he would then understand that more surprising changes would be coming his way in the future.

The state of Spirit Possession couldn't last too long since the activation of such a skill consumed the spiritual power of a spirit manipulator. Thus, Rocky soon stopped his testing. He had to catch up with time and start curing Uriah's wound at once.

Soon, in the curing process, Rocky found that Uriah's wounded body part turned out to be its own spiritual source. The spiritual source of a spirit-manipulated beast was equal to the spiritual flame in a spirit manipulator. The main difference between the two was that the spiritual source of a spirit-manipulated beast was just like its heart. Even though part of the spirit-manipulated beast's body was injured or fatally wounded, as long as its spiritual source was well-preserved, then there was still a good chance that the spirit-manipulated beast would still be saved due to the strong healing power of its spiritual source. But if its spiritual source was destroyed, no matter how strong the spirit-manipulated beast's body was, it would die in the end. Much like a functioning bodily system, if the heart died, the other parts would go down with it despite being healthy.

Therefore, the damage of the spiritual source was a very serious matter, which could not be restored by its own resilience or the amazing effect of the magical saliva. The only way to cure the damaged spiritual source was by Spirit Possession, which meant using the spiritual power of a spirit manipulator to cure it.

However, almost all of the spirit manipulators didn't know the importance of the spiritual source. Rocky had only found out about its importance after he activated the Spirit Possession and discovered that Uriah's damaged part was its spiritual source. He remembered having read records about it in the Beast Encyclopedia.

Rocky was truly fortunate to have got to know the inscrutable old man, Sheridan. Without his guidance, Rocky would never have discovered Uriah's problem and cured it so quickly.


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