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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 206

"I've heard quite a few things about the Beast Evaluation Skill. As for the Beast Taming Skill and Beast Curing Skill, they're very foreign to me," Rocky admitted as he stroked his chin.

"Young one, for you to become a competent beast evaluator you must acquire Beast Evaluation Skill proficiency. Aside from that, you must also gain the Beast Taming Skill and Beast Curing Skill. Long ago, beast evaluators from the Wild Spirit Land focused way too much on the Beast Evaluation Skill and they ended up neglecting the other two skills that are as crucial: the Beast Taming Skill and Beast Curing Skill. As a result, the following generations failed to receive proper training for the latter. To be completely honest with you kid, having the ability to evaluate beasts is not really that useful. If you don't know how to heal and tame spiritual beasts, their strength and potential won't really amount to much. Curing and taming are very crucial, especially at the earlier stages of the spiritual beast cubs. Spiritual beasts differ greatly from war beasts. They have a small understanding of human nature, and they are far more difficult to tame compared to war beasts. Beast tamers who are able to control spiritual beasts are very rare to find in the Wild Spirit Land. They are so much smaller in number compared to spiritual beast evaluators," Sheridan explained carefully. He seemed to be some kind of an expert in this field. His grey hair also helped make him look wiser.

"If the beast tamers were as powerful as you said, why was the Beast Taming Skill not passed down to the following generations?" Rocky asked, obviously confused.

Beast tamers are more of like the servants of the spirit-manipulated beasts. They need to be of service for the spirit-manipulated beasts to the best of their abilities. No one was willing to stay where the spirit-manipulated beasts stayed. These places were quite unpleasant for humans. However, things are different for the beast evaluators. All they have to do is have a look at the beasts while touching them and reciting some words. They are more respected and admired by other people. But beast tamers like me are also well-respected by the people," Sheridan bragged.

A smile formed on Rocky's face. "What about beast curers? Are they much rarer than beast tamers?" He asked.

"Yes. There are very few beast curers in the Wild Spirit Land. Beast Curing Skill demands great talent and competence. Beast curers are also expected to be masters of Beast Evaluation Skills. Of course, one cannot cure a spirit-manipulated beast if they cannot identify it. You must be a very skillful beast evaluator first before you can obtain Beast Curing Skills. If someone does not have a good command of their Beast Evaluation Skill, they cannot achieve Beast Curing Skills. Another reason the Beast Curing Skill got lost through the years is that most spirit manipulators from the Wild Spirit Land treat spirit-manipulated beasts as their tools. Once their spirit-manipulated beasts get injured and lose their battling abilities, their masters will kill them at once and find a new one. They do not opt for their curing. As a result, beast curers are left with no beasts to cure. Beast curers are no longer sought for their services unless extraordinary war beasts or rare spiritual beasts get injured. Hence beast curers are jobless on most days. It's very difficult to make a living out of their career, so fewer and fewer people are willing to learn the Beast Curing Skill. The people's opinion toward beast curing has changed a lot and they now consider it useless to learn," Sheridan explained hopelessly.

"You have such great skills. Why did you choose to stay in this small military camp? The personnel here are at best average. Also, the beasts here are inferior compared to others. Did you really prefer feeding these spirit-manipulated beasts over other jobs? I heard His Majesty invited you to be an imperial feeder of high-class spirit-manipulated beasts. That is an opportunity most people will never get," Rocky uttered, wondering about Sheridan's motive in staying in such a small military camp. If Sheridan were as great as Rocky thought he was, there must be some kind of reason.

"Money and power don't mean anything to me. To live an extravagant life is not my goal. I don't want any of that. Priest Dean and I share the same skills, but we are very much different. We are the polar opposites of each other. Do you think we could work alongside each other?" Sheridan asked with a laugh. Then as if with a switch, his face turned grim. It was obvious he was hiding something from Rocky.

"Whatever. I'm not even sure if what you just told me was true or not," Rocky answered with a snort. True or not, he was pleased with Sheridan's grudge against Priest Dean who he also despised.

"Kid, I'm also worried you haven't mastered the Spirit Possession. I think you're bluffing," Sheridan replied to Rocky's accusation.

"Uriah is injured greatly because its spiritual source is compromised," Rocky explained with his eyes narrowing.


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