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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 215

Tod and the other spirit manipulators lay sprawled on the ground in a state of bewilderment. They could clearly see who had snuck up on the voracious Centipede-snake, but thought, 'How on earth could it be him?' Tod's sentiment was the same as the rest of the group: Rocky had seemed to be just a low grade spirit manipulator. He had no power or presence. He merely followed along.

Just then, Rocky turned to Tod and said, "First, help them get all those poisonous stings out."

Rocky, who had appeared so weak just moments before, was now decisive and direct. A powerful charisma emanated from his body. He had been fearless in the face of the massive Centipede-snake, which was easily ten meters high.

This night-and-day personality change took them all by surprise.

Rocky turned and noticed that the Centipede-snake was again about to reap chaos. He knew that he had critically struck it already - he had even put the Centipede-snake's venom on his Frozen Wind Dagger, hoping that it was not immune, fighting fire with fire. He had been partly successful. It had not lost its power of action, but the toxic reaction had reduced its strength.

Spiritual light suddenly appeared around Rocky's body. In a flash, his power climbed to the first grade of the Earthly Stage. Why did he just not show his full strength - the third grade of the Earthly Stage? Because he wanted to keep his real power hidden, as a secret weapon, just in case. It seemed the only viable plan to acquire the rare treasures without in-fighting amongst the other spirit manipulators.

When Tod and the other spirit manipulators felt Rocky's power manifest, their faces appeared dazed and they rubbed their eyes in shock. They were almost in a stupor in how Rocky had suddenly changed from a loser to a master in a blink of their eyes.

"It turns out he was a hidden master!" Tod remarked to the others. He had only brought Rocky along with the group through pity, yet by doing so the decision had saved all of their lives. Else, they would be as dead as the previous group of spirit manipulators.

Rocky rushed forward armed with his Frozen Wind Dagger and activated his Vast Nebula Skill, bringing even more spiritual power into play. This created a star aura of power swirling around him. His figure was hard to follow as it was quick as a dancing flame and in the blink of an eye he was in front of the enraged Centipede-snake.

It responded by standing straight up and shooting out its poisonous stings like a storm, rapidly and densely right at him.

Rocky raised his hands saying, "Nebula Cloud Transformation…" Suddenly, a hazy nebulae glow surged forth from his chest.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Tod and the others could see the poisonous stings moving with incredible speed throughout the sky. They zeroed on Rocky but impacted with the star nebula glow.

Seeing this, everyone was even more shocked. They would not even have attempted to battle this wild spirit-manipulated beast which was already in the second grade of three stars. The Centipede-snake was completely beyond their ability to handle. Generally speaking, even a spirit manipulator in the Earthly Stage may not be able to handle such a beast. And to see Rocky battling it, with no sign of fear or trepidation, caused them to admire him not only for his superior strength, but also his amazing courage.

While Rocky was fighting with the Centipede-snake, Tod hurried toward the other severely injured spirit manipulators and removed the poisonous stings from them. Before long, they had recovered enough to move themselves.

"Tod, who the hell is this guy?" Archer asked. "He is obviously a master, but why did he hide his power and just come with us?" The feeling showing in his eyes was no longer contemptuous nor derogatory but respect. On the other hand, his heart was full of chagrin and fear due to the way that he had treated Rocky before.


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