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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 216

The spirit manipulators from the other squads began whispering among themselves when they saw the rare treasures in front of them, and they began imagining among themselves what else this place might hold.

"Is tha- that the coveted Heaven Divine Lotus? That ranks number eight on the Rare Treasure List! It's a priceless piece of treasure!"

"I heard that the Heaven Divine Lotus is a spiritual treasure, which can move on itself, and it's difficult to catch one. It remains elusive to the most of the population and we're lucky enough to see it here in front of us!"

"And there, there lies rich spiritual power... in those seeds. The seeds have the same power of the Dark Heaven Insect's eggs. They also have shown capabilities to greatly improve a spirit-manipulator's strength. Yet, these Heaven Divine Lotus Seeds are much superior! The Heaven Divine Lotus only bears three seeds, all yielded at the same time, every thirty years. And after the lotus has produced the seeds, it will bury itself, worm its way into ground, and appear in another place after another thirty years. That's why it is such of rarity and precious value. Finding it is one thing, but seeing it in its full glory is another."

"Wow! We are going to make a great fortune today! A single piece of seed is worth millions or even more than the millions we could imagine!"

However, with the priceless Heaven Divine Lotus in front of them, none of the spirit manipulators dared to take any action at all; they all seemed to wait fervently for something they had been expecting for the longest time.

The Heaven Divine Lotus was near its end of yielding the seeds, readying itself to spurt out for the spirit manipulators to see. Only when the lotus stopped glinting could the Heaven Divine Lotus Seeds be taken and harvested by the spirit manipulators. They would not get anything good even if they were to make a movement right now.

Besides, the squads of those spirit manipulators were tasked with another mission: to capture the elusive Rainbow Glow Unicorn. Now, they were waiting for not only the Heaven Divine Lotus Seeds but also the apparition of the rare spiritual beast, which they were hoping to see and to catch.

Although a Heaven Divine Lotus Seed was considered a majestic and priceless piece of object, one dared not to be compared with a rare spiritual beast at all, especially with a Rainbow Glow Unicorn, the third on the Spiritual Beast List. If the Heaven Divine Lotus Seeds were considered priceless, what more could it be for the Rainbow Glow Unicorn? None of the spirit manipulators could not be attracted by such a terrific and fantastic spiritual beast. Seeing it could be their final wish as it resounded beauty and divinity.

But all the spirit manipulators present on the ground knew all well that it would be impossible for them to catch the Rainbow Glow Unicorn if they were not to cooperate with each other. They needed to work together to capture the elusive Rainbow Glow Unicorn first. As for who could get the Unicorn in the end, that depended on their varying strengths. And working as a unified group to catch this powerful beast could mean another success for them to take aside from garnering the Heaven Divine Lotus Seeds.

But, nobody was sure about whether the Rainbow Glow Unicorn had come to the Spiritual Fairyland. There was this air of uncertainty with the waiting they were doing, and they kept wondering if this would come into fruition. Since their arrival, none of the spirit manipulators among these squads had ever seen any single one of those rare spiritual beasts, not even a sight or glance at the chanced Rainbow Glow Unicorn.

"Hob, what do you think? Will the Rainbow Glow Unicorn we are hoping to catch appear here, later?" asked one of the spirit manipulators, who was at the eighth grade of the Mortal Stage.

"How should I know that? You think I know the answer to that? Forget about the elusive Rainbow Glow Unicorn! As long as the Heaven Divine Lotus yields the seeds we have been eyeing for quite some time now, we will, then, take action. With the priced Heaven Divine Lotus Seeds in our hands, the Rainbow Glow Unicorn will come to find us sooner or later. Its elusiveness is set to be gone the moment it feels the seeds' auras around this area." Hob already had a plan in his mind, as if a mental blueprint flashed before his eyes. When he finally found a Dark Heaven Insect last time, he was fooled by a man's trick. As a result, he just watched the perfect opportunity to capture a rare spiritual beast slip away in front of him. He could not make the same mistake anymore. Committing the same mistake twice meant he learned nothing from what he had experienced in the past.

Tod and other spirit manipulators also arrived there, at that very moment. When they saw the Heaven Divine Lotus, they had stars in their eyes and their jaws almost fell to the ground, leaving their mouths wide open. But seeing so many spirit manipulators around them, the excitement quickly faded from their eyes. Most of the spirit manipulators present were much stronger and had more experience in field than them. It looked as if they had zero chances of getting the Heaven Divine Lotus.

"Is that a Heaven Divine Lotus?" Tod recognized it as soon as his sight landed on the rare treasure over the edge of a cliff. He also learned that the seeds the Heaven Divine Lotus yielded could greatly improve a spirit manipulator's spiritual power. The lotus was indeed rare and priceless. But truth to be told, he knew well that his squad had no chance to get such a treasure. After all, they were so weak compared with the others present.

"If we got Rookie in our team, we might have some chances. We should have taken him with us in the first place!" Regrets filled Tod's voice. Rocky was a strong spirit manipulator at the Earthly Stage. With his help, they might have a little chance to get a seed.


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