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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 333

At the battlefront in the main camp of the Crimson Dragon Group, soldiers and spirit manipulators in charge of the patrol went to and fro. The moon had hidden behind thick clouds, as if in avoidance of the tense air that filled the camp.

Amidst the bumbling activity of the camp, chaos had erupted in one of the tents. Multiple voices rose and fell in heated discussions after they had heard the news.

"What did you say? The Rough Slope was taken by the enemies? What's the casualty?" Isis stood up at the news when her body refused to sit still in distress. She looked down at the spirit manipulator who had just brought the message and urged him to continue.

"The whole squad holding the Rough Slope is gone, including two Frontline Commanders." The other commanders let out whispered swears and gasps when the spirit manipulator answered.

"How could this be possible? The fort held strong two days ago. How come it was taken so easily?" Marin and other commanders exchanged confused looks with each other. Nobody dared to interrupt even though they themselves were dying to know more about the situation.

"It appears that the two Frontline Commanders had a disagreement with each other. When the enemy charged, an internal conflict burst in the squad led by the two. The enemy took this opportunity and launched a raid last night and completely defeated our army."

Dreadful silence fell upon the room. Some of the commanders breathed shallowly, conscious of how loud their harsh breath was in comparison to the tense silence that encompassed the room.

Suddenly, a loud bang broke the strained silence. Marin and other commanders looked to where the sound had come from. Isis had one hand on the table and her eyes blazed with anger. The Rough Slope was the most crucial site in the defense line Isis had set up. Now that it was lost, more than half of the parts along the defense line would be affected. All as a result of the pride and stupidity of two commanders. Nobody could fault her for being enraged.

"Deputy Commander in Chief, what should we do next?" Marin asked Isis immediately. Isis glanced at her in appreciation. She loved her focus and calm in critical moments like this one.

"We need to take the Rough Slope back as soon as possible. If the enemy takes this chance to enter the wooded area of our battlefront, we would be in greater danger. I didn't expect the leading commander of the Timber Deity Empire to realize that the Rough Slope was our weakness, and so quickly too." Isis had received a report earlier that the general commander of the Timber Deity Empire this time was Alyssa. She was a famous princess of her country who was gifted in military arts like the deployment of soldiers. She was also very experienced and widely praised as a military talent seen only once in a thousand years. Now that Alyssa led the opposing army, it felt like a personal challenge to Isis.

Isis was tough and would never easily surrender. She had made a lot of efforts, and got where she was now without much help from others. This situation was only a setback, no matter how much it felt like a slap in her face and efforts. She would definitely hit back.

"Deputy Commander in Chief, let me lead the army and take the Rough Slope back." Marin stepped closer to her and ignored the incredulous looks the other commanders were giving her.

Isis scrutinized Marin and the other commanders. This time, the Crimson Dragon Group sent three Elite Commanders and twelve Frontline Commanders here. The three Elite Commanders were burdened with critical tasks and had no time to spare. Among the remaining Frontline Commanders, Marin was the best in military tactics. She was the perfect choice. They would need brilliant plans and delicate execution to succeed. Furthermore, it would be necessary for them to rely heavily on their brains rather than the strength or number of men they had. The Rough Slope, as its name suggested, was a slope which was easy to hold but was infinitely difficult to attack. The terrain there was complicated, and it would not be wise to attack it from the front. This made the matter of capturing it complicated and dangerous.

"Request accepted. Commander Marin, be careful. They will not surrender easily." Isis warned Marin. She trusted in Marin's ability. But you could never be complacent in a war. Not if you wanted to win.

"Deputy Commander in Chief, please rest assured! I will definitely take the Rough Slope back. Please excuse me, I will go and start my preparations." Isis nodded her permission to Marin as she watched her leave. She could only hope that the odds would be in her favor.

At the same time, the leaders of the Timber Deity Empire were gathered for a meeting.


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