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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 334

Rocky spent the whole evening in the cave, where he studied the Mysterious Beast Transformation Skill. The next morning, he observed the injury on the Rainbow Glow Unicorn's foot and checked if it was healing properly. When he ascertained that the Rainbow Glow Unicorn had healed enough to walk comfortably without assistance, he decided to continue to go to the Myriad Beasts Ground together with the three beasts.

He found that there were more higher level wild spirit-manipulated beasts as he got closer to his destination. He observed that when he had just begun the journey, the spirit-manipulated beasts he saw were often one-star bottom grade wild spirit-manipulated beasts. After a while, two-star second grade wild spirit-manipulated beasts replaced their weaker counterparts, gathered around in groups. As he traveled farther, he started seeing three-star second grade or even three-star third grade wild spirit-manipulated beasts. With this pattern, he expected to see precious and rare spirit-manipulated beasts as he got nearer to their destination. Plus, such spirit-manipulated beasts would surely show up driven by their attraction to Uriah's savory saliva. Nevertheless, a sense of crisis came over Rocky on his way. As a result, he had to reorganize his objectives and plans. He especially had to dwell on his goals that he needed to achieve while he was in this place. He determined that the widening of his horizon and collection of information would be his primary objective. Second to this, he wanted to find treasures that could help him make a breakthrough and reach the Heavenly Stage.

Fortunately, none of the three-star third grade wild spirit-manipulated beasts he met later was as tough as the Three-tailed Aquatic Lizard to beat. It was even unnecessary for him to fight against them by himself. Uriah and Rubygon were able to beat them by themselves, which made him feel absolutely proud of them. All the while, the Rainbow Glow Unicorn only watched the fights from a distance and avoided confronting the fierce wild spirit-manipulated beasts by itself. Rocky shook his head at the remembrance that he had such a cowardly but greedy beast.

Along the way, Rocky was deliriously happy when he found several extremely rare treasures that were similarly effective as a primary Dark Heaven Egg. He also met quite a few spirit-manipulated beast species that he had never seen before, which he enthusiastically searched for in the Beast Encyclopedia as soon as he saw them. Some of them were rare species, such as Nine Tattoo Lion, Black Blood Neofelis and Runaway Cony Cat. None of them proved very capable, but meeting them was a good experience for Rocky. He not only increased his knowledge but also collected many samples.

After he beat three three-star second grade Clouded Buffaloes, Rocky and the three beasts replenished their strength and continued on. Before long, Rocky saw a vast forest in front of his eyes. Densely distributed, the trees looked so tall that they almost touched the clouds. The sun was covered, and the thickness of the trees muffled the sounds from outside. The forest seemed to be perpetually enveloped in dark mist that added to its already frightening appearance.

As they walked through the place, the strong aura of wild spirit-manipulated beasts came from inside the forest. It felt like innumerable wild spirit-manipulated beasts were hiding in the forest, which ratcheted up its frightening atmosphere to terrifying levels.

"It seems that I will arrive at Myriad Beasts Ground as soon as we get past this forest," Rocky mumbled to himself after careful thought. He was a little bit nervous but at the same time, his body was almost trembling in excitement at the thought of what would happen and what he would find as soon as he stepped foot at their final destination. From his analysis, the forest could be viewed as the periphery of the Myriad Beasts Ground. They would touch the Myriad Beasts Ground as soon as they passed through the forest.

They were still a good distance away from the Myriad Beasts Ground, but even its periphery, the forest, already felt so horrifying and intimidating. Rocky believed wholeheartedly that the Myriad Beasts Ground was an extremely dangerous place.

In the past, when he had just arrived at the Wild Spirit Land, Rocky had heard that there were many miraculous places that inhabited wild spirit-manipulated beasts. Beast-slaughtering Valley and Cloud Deity Gully were both famous in Wild Spirit Land but they were actually just moderately dangerous places when compared to the Myriad Beasts Ground that he was about to reach. Side by side, the beasts in Beast-slaughtering Valley and Cloud Deity Gully would look like innocent lambs next to the beasts of the Myriad Beasts Grounds. And there were still many similarly dangerous places in the Wild Spirit Land, still undiscovered and unexplored. Human population had long been stamped out in the most dangerous places. Only spirit manipulators above the Divine Stage dared to enter there. Despite their skills, they still needed to be very careful when they traveled through those places, otherwise, they could lose their lives at any time.

It is because of this danger that the majority of human population would never know exactly how amazing the Wild Spirit Land was.

"Be careful when we enter the forest, unless you're feeling generous and want to feed yourselves to the other spirit-manipulated beasts here," Rocky said in warning to the three beasts as he looked at them with smiling eyes. All the three beasts looked quite vigilant. As spirit-manipulated beasts, their senses were more sensitive, which made them more capable of detecting foreign presence than spirit manipulators. At the moment, they could clearly sense the threats in the forest.


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