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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 49

Marcia would be visiting the dragon field in the afternoon. As soon as Mia got this news, the entire dragon field, which had always been quiet in the morning, became lively.

To welcome Marcia, Mia and some other ministers came early to the dragon field and planned to redecorate it. They even went as far as planning to change it up to look like a big feast.

On top of that, many aristocrats, high officials, even members of nobility and royalty came rushing towards the dragon field after hearing the news. Even the ordeal of standing under the scorching heat of the sun did not stop them from patiently waiting for Marcia's arrival. They wanted to witness the graceful arrival of the Marcia who was famous all over the country with their own eyes.

"It seems like this Marcia is really famous. Even these privileged people are so eager to see her that they don't mind standing under the hot sun," Rocky said as he amusedly looked at the scene. He had no idea that Marcia's influence was this huge. He then left to return to his room.

The news of Marcia's arrival had already spread among the trainees in the area. They all went completely crazy as if they were pumped up with excitants. Although Marcia had been famous throughout the entire country for a very long time and these new royal spirit manipulators had already heard a lot about her, only a few of them had been fortunate enough to have met her personally. It was no wonder that they all acted like mad dogs upon hearing the news that the legendarily powerful and remarkably stunning general was going to watch them train.

"It will be excellent if Marcia would take me as an apprentice."

"I'm even willing to be her servant!"

"You're both so unambitious. I will make her my girlfriend and marry her, and then I will be rich for the rest of my life."

Rocky heard several of the trainees daydreaming and fantasizing as he walked towards the door of his room. He could not help a smile from appearing on his face as he wondered what these trainees' faces would look like if they knew that not only had he met their dream lover, but also seen her naked.

He then saw Flint quietly cultivating with his legs crossed as he entered the room.

"You're not going to train today?" Rocky curiously asked.

"Don't you know? They said we can take a rest this morning," Flint answered him as he opened his eyes.

"Is it because Marcia is visiting us that they gave us a half-day off? I didn't expect that Mia would make an exception for anyone," Rocky gruffly contested. He was slowly coming to the understanding that in this society, people also rated power and authority as important. They were willing to break rules when it came to pleasing the powerful people.


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