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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 50

"We personally wanted to welcome you on your visit here, General Marcia," Mia and the other ministers who had been waiting for a long time came up to the general to greet her.

"There's no need for ceremony. I planned to visit secretly, to patrol. How did the news of my visit spread so quickly?" Marcia sternly said, unimpressed by the ceremony. The attention everyone gave her and the salacious gazes that she was receiving from the men made her uncomfortable and ill at ease.

Marcia's displeased expression began to make all the ministers feel nervous, their stomachs tightening in fright. They stood still as they anxiously held their breaths, hoping to give her a good impression. Marcia was one of the most powerful people in the Holy Dragon Empire. They all knew that if she would want to punish them for their incompetence, she would be able to do it very easily.

"It is our great honour to welcome you here, General Marcia. That is why we did our best to prepare an extravagant ceremony. It is our responsibility to do so," came the hurried reply of a minister, a big smile plastered on his face.

"I don't care for the ceremony. I've been used to it by now. It's just the same every time," the general coldly stated. She then turned to Mia and said, "Master Mia, please call out all the royal spirit manipulators."

"General Marcia, why don't you take a rest first?" Mia insisted. She knew that Marcia went for a visit to observe the training, but she did not expect that she would actually do it, let alone do it right away just a few minutes after her arrival.

"I believe I have made it clear that I am here to see their exercises," Marcia emphasized. However, inside her mind, observing the exercises was just an excuse for her to find the man who had cheated her.

Marcia ordered her soldiers to find Rocky. They had looked for him everywhere, including the dragon field, but they did not find any useful clues. But unbeknownst to them, they had already ran into Rocky. They were not able to recognize him because his appearance had changed quite drastically since he last met Marcia.

Rocky would be able to finally get Marcia off his tail. However, she was unyielding and insisted on going to the dragon field to look for him. Hence, this was the reason for her visit to the dragon field.

Perhaps it was destined that they would meet again.

"Y-yes! Of course, General!" Mia stammered, reacting at once. She did not dare say anything else; she just bowed down before Marcia and then turned back around to order every young man to assemble at the field immediately.

All the young men then instantaneously marched up to Marcia and respectfully greeted her.

Marcia looked at each of the young men, but soon shook her head in disappointment, turned to Mia and asked, "Are these all the young men?"

"Yes, that's all of…" Mia stopped abruptly as she tried to remember something. She turned her gaze towards the group of young men. As she initially thought, Rocky was not among them.

"Where's Basil Long?" Mia hissed at the young men.

They all looked at each other, also clueless as to where Rocky was.

"I'm here," Rocky said from behind the crowd, watching. He overheard Mia asking the other young men about him and decided to show up. If he did not appear before Mia at once, he would most certainly get punished for it. Therefore, he reluctantly joined up with the rest of the young men. He unflinchingly looked at Marcia and smiled, not an ounce of terror on his face.

Marcia was not able to recognize him at first glance, but she was a bit suspicious that he looked somewhat familiar. After carefully watching Rocky for a while, she stared at him, pointed out, and bellowed, "It's you!"

Everyone was shocked at what had just happened. They had no idea what Marcia meant.

Rocky was also left shocked at seeing Marcia point at him. He anticipated that Marcia would pretend that she did not know him. However, she did in fact went there to find him. He did not realize it until he saw the spiteful look on Marcia's face. It was too late; he did not have the time to conceal himself.


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