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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 53

"It doesn't have any nature," Rocky answered.

"That's not possible. Give me your hand," Marcia doubted what he said so she grabbed Rocky's hand at once before he could even react. Meanwhile, she sent some of her spiritual power into Rocky's body.

"Eh? It really doesn't have any nature. Also, it seems that you..." Marcia suddenly put on an evil smile as if she had found Rocky's secret, but she soon solemnly said again, "How could it have no nature? It is way different from the recordation of the Dragon Master Clan." She seemed to have been looking for something in the Magic Spiritual Space from where she then took out a book from and said, "This Vast Nebula Skill is at the Earthly Stage and whose power has no nature. Though it isn't the spiritual method of the Dragon Master Clan, it is created by a powerful royal spirit manipulator."

"How powerful was he?" Rocky asked.

"I will tell you once you succeed in mastering this skill. But you have to raise your power up to the Earthly Stage before you could begin practicing this skill. Even if you could cultivate at a high speed, you would still need to cultivate for at least one year before you can reach the Earthly Stage. So you have to be very patient," Marcia said with a snort.

"I'm afraid I cannot wait for that long," Rocky said worriedly.

"The Vast Nebula Skill not only contains the formula of the spiritual method, but also the complementary spiritual martial arts that comes with them. It is a very precious skill, so don't lose it no matter what happens," Marcia warned Rocky as she passed the Vast Nebula Skill to him.

"Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?" Rocky asked as soon as he took the Vast Nebula Skill. He had been quite suspicious of Marcia's recent behavior, but since she gave him these things for free, he accepted them all.

"Well. It is because I don't like taking others' things for free. So you can take this as payment for your miracle liquid. After all, I am no longer in need of any of these things," Marcia hesitated for a while before she could reply. It was actually all an excuse. She was nice to him because she wanted to use Rocky's power of the Holy Dragon Bead. Besides, she had been feeling something strange towards Rocky.

Rocky could tell that Marcia was very secretive and he knew that she would not tell him the truth so he decided not to bother asking her again. He didn't believe that pennies could fall from the heaven.

"I should be leaving," Marcia felt awkward to stay longer in the room with Rocky alone. Although Uriah was also there, she was still getting ready to leave.

"General Gorgeous. Where could I see you again?" Rocky hesitated for a few seconds before he stopped her to ask.

"See me again? Why would you need to see me again?" Marcia asked in confusion.

"If I get my hands on more miracle liquid, I could send some to you," Rocky showed her that he could also make up creative excuses to see her.

"I guess I could ask someone else to... No. No one else is allowed to know about this." Marcia was going to say that she would just ask someone else to take it, but she thought that it would be very inappropriate. After considering for a while, she took out the delicate dagger with a sheath that she used the last time when she tried to kill Rocky.

"You can take my Frozen Wind Dagger. Whenever you want to see me, you can come to my general's mansion with it. There is a unique Snowflake Mark on the Frozen Wind Dagger which cannot be copied by others. It represents me and only me. My guardians will recognize it the moment you show it to them. Besides, the Frozen Wind Dagger is made up of a bone which belonged to a dragon that had lived for a millennium. It can greatly strengthen your spiritual power. You may also use it to save your life when necessary." Marcia threw the Frozen Wind Dagger towards Rocky. She then disappeared in a flash.


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