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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 54

Rocky concentrated and activated the fifth grade of the Mysterious Dragon Skill as he soon felt the dragon spiritual power immediately linked with the spiritual power gathering crystal. The spiritual power gathering crystal began to twinkle constantly and gathered the spiritual energy between heaven and the earth. With the linking of the spiritual power, the spiritual power the gathering crystal absorbed was flown into Rocky's body through a channel which was served as a vessel growing outside his body.

Because it was the first time Rocky ever used the spiritual power gathering crystal and he was mesmerized by the magic and the wonderful feeling, he sat beside the pond for entirely one day and one night.

When he opened his eyes, a sharp light was emitted out of his body. At the same time, he jumped into the air. With the powerful spiritual power rushing out of his body, the multicolored light shone fiercely like the sun.


Under the strong impact of the spiritual power, the dust around the pond was blown into the air as the once quiet pond rippled violently.

"I think I've just reached the fifth grade of the Mortal Stage!" Rocky muttered in surprise the moment he landed. He had not expected that he could reach the fifth grade of the Mortal Stage so soon just by cultivating through the spiritual power gathering crystal for an entire day. It was as exciting as riding the rollercoaster.

Rocky needed at least ten days to half a month before he was able to reach the fifth grade of the Mortal Stage. But currently, he was able to break into the fifth grade of the Mortal Stage so quickly with the help of the magic power of the spiritual power gathering crystal.

"General Gorgeous. I love you so much!" Rocky couldn't help but kiss the spiritual power gathering crystal before he put it back into the silk bag. If anyone knew that Rocky had such a magical treasure in his possession, they would definitely try their best to take it away from him.

It was already afternoon. Apparently, Rocky had already missed his morning training. When he had returned to his room, he was immediately requested to go to Mia's office.

"Is this your office?" It was Rocky's first time to come to the place where Mia worked in so he couldn't help but look around in curiosity. The office was huge but the decorations were rather simple. It was not luxurious as one would expect but just a plain room with a pleasant smell from incense.

Mia was sitting behind a wide table as she stared at Rocky who was touring her office.

"Are you done looking around?" Mia asked in a cold voice.

Hearing what Mia said, Rocky shrugged his shoulders as he turned around and smiled at Mia. "I was wondering why Master Mia would ask me to come here," he asked but he knew the answer very well.

"Why didn't you take part in today's morning training?" Mia asked in a low voice.

"Women feel uncomfortable for a few days every month. Actually, men could also go through the same situation. Today was one of those days I felt so uncomfortable when I woke up in the morning..." Rocky was talking rubbish.

"Nonsense!" Mia stopped him immediately. Actually, she did not ask Rocky here to explain the reason for his absence this morning. She wanted to ask him about something else.

Mia stood up and walked towards Rocky as she looked Rocky in the eyes and asked, "Did you and General Marcia know each other?"

Rocky immediately realized that Mia also cared about what had happened between him and Marcia yesterday. She wanted to figure out if there were any secrets between him and Marcia.

"Of course not, we absolutely didn't," Rocky lied calmly without flushing. He surely was an expert in lying to women.


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