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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 77

Amidst the cheers ringing out for Rocky, he suddenly fell hard on the ground. It was apparent that he had been hurt badly. The reason for his suffering was because of the powerful strength that was far beyond his abilities. Everyone grew quite concerned at the sight of him losing consciousness.

"Basil!" Mia shouted out at once. Before she could make a move, Marcia had already run forward towards Rocky.

"Basil, well done!" She examined him to find whether there could be anything wrong as she saw that Rocky was lying unconscious. Rocky had been hurt badly. If he didn't receive treatment in time, he would certainly lose his life. Without thinking twice, Marcia took out a bottle of the magical saliva that Rocky had given her before. She made Rocky drink a little of it immediately. Afterwards, she turned around and told Mia, "Please tell His Majesty that I will bring him with me to treat him right now." Mia nodded in agreement. Marcia then left the battlefield with Rocky.

Though Marcia left with Rocky very quickly, someone in the crowd had recognized her. Chaos broke out once more, with everyone around the battlefield growing greatly excited again.

"I can't believe my eyes. Is it really General Marcia?"

"You're right! But how does she know Basil? Why did she take him away?"

"Perhaps General Marcia likes Basil?"

They soon seemed to forget the fact that Rocky had won the match. Their attention was diverted at the sight of Marcia. Heated discussions broke out about how she and Rocky could be connected. Speculations broke out about all the possibilities of their relationship.

At once, Mia went to find the emperor and Lena, even if she too had been hurt. She relayed what Marcia had asked her to. As she expected, the emperor and others were also in the state of shock.

"Why is General Marcia willing to treat Basil out of the blue? They even don't know about each other!" Lena was very shocked, and still greatly concerned about Basil.

"Well, General Marcia went to the dragon field about half a month ago. She ordered Basil to show her around." But Mia also felt confused about the situation. She didn't think that they would have grown close at all!

The emperor stood gazing at his entourage. Everyone was at a loss and didn't know what to do. They too were greatly perplexed at why General Marcia was willing to help Rocky.

They needed to ask Marcia in order to figure the truth out. The emperor ordered Priest Dean to continue as head of the Dragon Birth Festival and ordered the others to send Mia home to receive the best treatment. He left the battlefield with Lena then.

As a reward, the emperor had granted Marcia a palace in the Palace City. She hardly stayed there, but Lena and the emperor both assumed that Marcia would take Basil there first.

As expected, when they arrived at the palace, Marcia had already exited the chamber. It was obvious that she had exerted great effort to treat Rocky, as sweat poured off her in torrents.


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