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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 78

Meanwhile, in his coma, Rocky witnessed several shocking images in his dreams. He lay on a boundless land that was covered by corpses. The blood had merged into streams. Among the dead bodies were both humans and spirit-manipulated beasts. It seemed that Rocky walked into a battlefield.

An afterglow brought by dusk was shining over the bloody battlefield. It seemed as if doomsday had come. Instantly, the land was shrouded in a giant dark shadow. Rocky looked up at the sky and saw an enormous black dragon whose big eyes were twinkling with evil light. With six strong wings, the dragon emanated the momentum of the king of heaven and earth. However, its dark and evil power could also make people tremble in fear.

"If you yield to me, I shall lend you my power..." All of a sudden, the black dragon almost deafened Rocky's ears with its loud roar.

The next moment, Rocky saw the black dragon come at him with its mouth wide open. Everything happened so fast. It was about to devour him.

Rocky opened his eyes abruptly and sat up on the bed as sweat dripped down his forehead. He was trying his best to catch his breath.

"Fortunately, it's just a dream," Rocky sighed out of relief when he realized that the black dragon wasn't real. All of a sudden, he felt something move beside him. As he looked down, he saw a woman's body lying right before his very eyes. Moreover, her sleeping position was really seductive. Her clothes was in such a mess that some of her skin could be seen.

"Lena?" Rocky recognized that the woman lying on his bed was Lena.

Rocky gradually recalled the things that happened before he passed out. He fought off Erica and went into a coma because he was severely wounded. But now, it seemed that his body was doing better and his wounds had been fully healed.

"Did someone heal the injuries for me?" Rocky muttered to himself in speculation as he looked at Lena beside him.

"Did Lena help me? Should I devote myself to her in order to repay the kindness she has shown me?" Lena's sleeping position was so charming that Rocky almost couldn't restrain his impatient hands that were itching to touch her skin.

However, Rocky finally resisted the temptation when he remembered that Lena just lay beside him like this when he came to this world and woke up for the very first time. While at that time, when he was just a useless prince, everything was all so different. Now, he was the new star for the future of the Holy Dragon Empire.

Since Lena slept soundly, Rocky didn't dare to disturb her. He covered her with the quilt and got out of bed. No unusual feeling was sensed by Rocky when he stretched his body and adjusted the circulation of the spiritual power inside him. Thus, he felt at ease that his body was getting better.

Though he had reached the Earthly Stage, in fact, he was just still starting for being a spirit manipulator. The subsequent cultivation would be far more strenuous than that at the Mortal Stage. In order to grow into a mighty spirit manipulator, he still had a long way to go.

Rocky walked out of his bedroom to take a breath of the fresh air. A woman figure then leaped onto his vision, "Master Mia?" Rocky called as he saw her.

Seeing Rocky standing out of his bedroom, Mia stared at him and asked, "Why aren't you resting in your bed? You're still hurt badly..."

"No need to worry. My wounds are healed," Rocky smiled.


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