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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 79

Compared with what he looked like two months ago, Rocky had changed a lot in temperament. When he put on the ornate robe, he had a more intimidating appearance than he did before. Born with fine features, his face was more handsome and noticeable. All in all, Rocky was no longer his old self that was too frail to withstand a gust of wind.

When Rocky stood before Lena and Mia with his new image, they watched him with the utmost admiration. Lena couldn't help but blush as she was deeply attracted.

"Let's go," Mia said as she went out first.

Rocky walked towards Lena and they followed Mia.

They climbed the carriage waiting outside. It dashed forward the entire way. Shortly afterwards, they arrived at the Grand Holy Hall.

For the very first time, Rocky entered the Grand Holy Hall. He was stunned by the grandeur of the hall. Even in the modern world where he came from, no architecture could come close to it.

Presently, many people were gathered in the Grand Holy Hall.

The emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire sat on the gilded throne at the top of the hall with Priest Dean standing beside him.

On both sides of the hall stood a lot of people. The first row were the princes of the Holy Dragon Empire led by Alston. Since Rocky walked in, many princes focused their eyes on him. Instead of being friendly, they held Rocky in contempt with overwhelming arrogance.

As for Alston, who always treated Rocky as his enemy, he wrathfully glared at Rocky as his face was sullen.

Not intimidated by Alston's provocation, Rocky wore a sneer on his face and stared straight into Alston's eyes.

Apart from the princes, everyone else in the hall were the ministers of military affairs. Their eyes also rested on Rocky as they whispered into one another's ears about him. All of them were still astonished by Rocky's victory at the Dragon Birth Festival.

None of them had ever expected that the useless prince would turn himself into an invincible talent of the younger generation of the Holy Dragon Empire. Thus, now that Rocky was no longer the despised prince, they finally saw him in a different light.


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