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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 84

"I will arrange that. You have just recovered from a severe injury, and you need time for a rest. Don't worry about those things. Just take care of yourself. I will see you at night," Lena said, nodding to Rocky as she left.

"A waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first. A person in a favorable position gains special advantages. Wish to have a closer relationship with Lena after tonight... I must ask Lena to persuade His Majesty to cancel the engagement. I will never marry that flat-chested girl..." Rocky said. To cancel the engagement was the most important thing on his mind right now.

Meanwhile, something happened in the Mansion of General Ximen, which was close to the west of the Imperial City.

The Mansion of General Ximen looked like a small city, grand and magnificent. The high bright red wall circling the mansion was too long to see the end. Within the red walls, the infrastructure was flawless, including roads with bridges across the few streams that ran through the mansion. At this hour, the pavilions, and towers dotting the beautiful landscape cast long shadows. Those close to the rivers reflected in the water.

In the mansion, people were hurrying to and fro. On the east of the mansion was the training field where hundreds of disciples from the Ximen Clan were absorbed in their rigorous martial arts training. They went about every part of the training regime with such passion and intensity as if they were in a real battle.

In the middle of their session, a big greenish shadow appeared in the sky above them, like a giant monster. Its sudden appearance clouded out the sun as if heavy clouds had just gathered threatening a torrential downpour. Reacting quickly, the disciples separated into two groups and stood in two lines, watching the giant green figure descend on their training ground.

Suddenly, the green shadow began to shake. Flapping its four wings fiercely, like giant fans, it raised a small sandstorm that swept the whole field.

It took quite a while for the storm to abate.

The huge green shadow zoomed into clear view, where everybody could see what it looked like exactly. It was a massive dragon that would form a small mountain and was enough to cover one-third of the training ground. The tail alone was so long and thick enough that it could whack down a dozen men in one fell. It had five heads, which it kept jerking around, stretching and wiggling up and down or from side to side. Now and then, the monster would growl, releasing a fierce jet of turbid gases like an old engine. Scales all over the dragon's body dazzled in sunlight.

In the dazzling light, two strangers showed up on the ground, a heavyset man, accompanied by a young lady. They had mysteriously appeared alongside the dragon. Both probably dropped down from the green shadow that had terrified the disciples earlier. As the burly man walked around, one could tell he was a very high ranking spirit manipulator.

"Your Excellency!" All the disciples of Ximen Clan got down on one knee and acclaimed reverently, their voices reverberating through the whole field.

They quickly recognized the man as Bryant, one of the three Great Generals in the Holy Dragon Empire. The three generals were very powerful, with countless accolades to their names and a section of the army behind them. But among the three, Bryant was the most powerful, ranked at the Immortal Stage, which was a rare achievement in the whole empire.

Although Bryant was over sixty now, he looked like a man in his forties, thanks to a cultivation of the Immortal Stage. He had a broad forehead and sharp eyes like a tiger that seemed to bore holes through whatever he was looking at. From the way he carried himself, there was no mistaking; he was a man used to calling the shots wherever he went.

General Bryant, the legendary warrior of Holy Dragon Empire. He seemed to announce his presence, even without saying a word.

Beside him stood his granddaughter, Shirley.

Shortly after the ritual of the Holy Dragon Empire, General Bryant had left the Wild Spirit Land, taking his granddaughter on pilgrimage for her spiritual transformation. She must be the only one in the whole of the Holy Dragon Empire, who was privileged to have a big shot accompany on the cultivation.

"Grandfather, could you let out the Rain Fairy we captured just now?" Shirley said excitedly. As usual, she was dressed like a boy, but her voice was as feminine and enchanting as it could ever be.


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