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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 85

"His Majesty is arranging for someone to marry Shirley?" Bryant grew stern, his eyes growing cold as he heard this news. "Am I hearing this right? His Majesty is arranging for me to be married?" Shirley also became serious. She had heard long ago from her grandfather of this agreement. But she had been so small back then and everyone had tucked the matter away at the backs of their minds. The emperor was bringing up this issue out of blue now. She was at loss for how to feel.

"I remembered that Prince Alston is already set to marry someone. It should be the older daughter of the leader of Ji Clan. Shirley is to be the successor of the leader of Ximen Clan, which His Majesty has known for a long time. He should be more cautious with her marriage. No princes are even good enough for her besides Prince Alston, who is heir to the throne of the emperor," Bryant said loudly, frowning intimidatingly. His words were few, and yet his arrogance and aggressiveness were quite evident.

"That's the way things should have been! I can only wonder why His Majesty wants to arrange her marriage all of sudden..." The elders of Ximen Clan nodded their approval of Bryant's sentiments. Given the influence of their clan in the Holy Dragon Empire and the fact that Shirley was to become the future leader, Prince Alston was the only eligible match should the emperor want to marry her into the royal family.

But Prince Alston had already been engaged a couple of years ago, so there was no way the emperor would arrange for him to marry Shirley.

"Did His Majesty mention which of his princes?" Bryant shouted impatiently. He was eager to know who the emperor had in mind.

"It's His Majesty's younger son, Prince Basil." "Basil? Isn't he that imbecile prince who was only at the first grade of the Mortal Stage even after fusing with the Holy Dragon Bead? I heard that he had been stripped of his title. How could it be him? I thought he was no longer a prince?" Bryant looked confused.

"Him!? What! No! It can't be! I would rather die than marry him." A disgusting expression took over Shirley's face as she heard this news. She still nursed a grudge from their encounter when he had made fun of her figure. She gritted her teeth in anger.

"You have missed the Dragon Birth Festival. Had you seen what happened at the Festival, you would definitely think differently." said a white-robed elder. The elders of Ximen Clan had all been invited and attended the Dragon Birth Festival. They had all witnessed Rocky's performance.

"What happened at the Dragon Birth Festival?" Bryant realized that there must have been something significant that took place at the festival that he had not been told about yet.

The elders exchanged looks among each other and told Bryant everything they witnessed. They relayed how Rocky had defeated all phoenix spirit manipulators from the Magic Phoenix Empire and made a breakthrough to the Earthly Stage. They also told him the fact that he wounded Erica who was at the ninth grade of the Heavenly Stage and was consequently reinstated as a prince. The expressions on Bryant and Shirley's faces shifted rapidly in the course of listening to all these shocking stories.

"He made it to the Earthly Stage from the first grade of the Mortal Stage within two months... How could that imbecile prince have such a gift? He couldn't have done any of these without something profound propelling his progress, even after the fusion with the Holy Dragon Bead. Besides, he's been totally unable to fuse with the Dragon Spirit Bead for the past five years. His fusion with the Holy Dragon Bead must have been an accident and his gift and quality must be very poor." Bryant found all this nearly impossible to believe. Even a real genius could not make such progress in such a short time!

"So that imbecile is now at the Earthly Stage? It's impossible. Not a chance!" Shirley also found it hard to accept. She had made fun of Rocky about two months ago, and now he was a spirit manipulator at the Earthly Stage! What on earth was happening!


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