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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 96

When the dumpty summoned his Beast Evaluation Skill, all the beast evaluators around him began murmuring among themselves. They were apprehensive because all of them had been defeated by that skill earlier. Obviously, that Beast Evaluation Skill was a brilliant one.

"Is it the Radiance Evaluation Skill?" For some reason, Rocky felt familiar with the Beast Evaluation Skill which that dumpty summoned. The skill was quite similar to the Magical Evaluation Skill written in the book, Beast Encyclopedia. Both the skills depended on the light reflected from a spirit-manipulated beast to tell its quality. That kind of Beast Evaluation Skill was called the "Radiance Evaluation Skill" in that book.

The Radiance Evaluation Skill was a basic one compared to the other evaluation skills in that book. Only when his cultivation reached a higher grade, he would be qualified to learn more about high-graded evaluation skills.

The evaluation skills written in that book contained almost every aspect of beast evaluation, which outdid any other Beast Evaluation Skill.

The Beast Evaluation Skill which the dumpty summoned was also overshadowed by the evaluation skills that were written in the book.

Weldon frowned deeply as he saw the dumpty start his evaluation. The rule for the contest was quite simple. The beast evaluator, who could tell about a spirit-manipulated beast's star rating and quality the fastest and the most accurately, would win the game. The speed and accuracy revealed how great a beast evaluator was. An excellent beast evaluator would be able to tell the accurate star rating and quality of a spirit-manipulated beast in a matter of minutes.

Worrying that the Super Beast Farm would lose the contest, Weldon joined the game as well. As a bright light flashed around his left hand, he put his left hand on the cub and stroked its body. A smile crept over the corner of his lips soon. It had hardly taken him time and he already knew the cub's star rating and quality.

However, the dumpty announced the result of his evaluation even before Weldon opened his mouth. The man exclaimed, "A four-star Sirius Lion, number fifty six on the Spiritual Beast List. It's famous for its lightning speed. In a blink of an eye, it can run hundreds of meters..."

After the dumpty finished his detailed evaluation report, the beast evaluators on the spot gave him thunderous applause. All of them were stunned by the dumpty's evaluation. It was clear that they had accepted the fact that this man was going to defeat all of them. He had won against Weldon too, who was a grade seven beast evaluator from the Super Beast Farm. It was undeniable that the dumpty was an outstanding beast evaluator.

Mia's brows knitted together when she saw Weldon lose to the dumpty. Her eyes moved onto him. Although the man looked ordinary, his beast evaluation ability had surpassed that of Weldon. She had to admit that the saying was true, 'No matter how strong you are, there will always be someone stronger than you.'

"What an excellent young man! I accept the result sincerely," Weldon said bowing to the dumpty. Although he tried to be modest, deep within he was distraught to confess his failure.

"Oh, I'm so flattered, Mr. Weldon! I just won by a nose! I knew that Mr. Weldon had already made your evaluation too. Mr. Weldon is really as good as those stories say. Honestly, I think I still need to learn a lot from you," the man said as he bowed to Weldon.

Weldon just smiled awkwardly. As soon as he saw Mia, he walked to her and gave a formal bow to her. "Madam Mia, I'm so sorry! I didn't live up to the expectations you and the Super Beast Farm had on me."

Weldon also knew that the Super Beast Farm had lost its glory as the beast evaluation champion because of him. It was a huge blow for the Super Beast Farm as the Top Beast Evaluator's Jade Cup, which they had kept for years, was not theirs anymore.

"Never mind, Weldon! You have done your job well. Nobody can be a winner all the time," Mia comforted calmly.

When Weldon walked towards Mia, everyone's attention was on Mia. They had been so engrossed in the game that nobody noticed Mia's presence. Their eyes lit up as soon as they saw her. It was evident that all of them were infatuated by her delicate features and charm.


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