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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 97

Nobody knew that Rocky's confidence actually came from the detailed information of the Sirius Lion he read in the Beast Encyclopedia. He compared it with Carter's evaluation and found that the Beast Encyclopedia had one more quality listed on it that Carter hadn't mentioned.

That one particular quality was so unusual that even Carter, an experienced beast evaluator, was not able to figure it out. The others' capabilities were all inferior to Carter's, so they all supported his evaluation.

Unbeknownst to them, Carter would always cheat in every chance he got, which was why they were no match for him. However, Carter had no advantage against Rocky, who knew the Beast Encyclopedia thoroughly by heart.

Since none of the beast evaluators could identify the quality, Rocky thought that it would be unconvincing if he were to just tell them, so he decided to display it before them.

Thus, under the watchful eyes of the beast evaluators, Rocky entered the cage. He looked around and sat cross-legged in front of the Sirius Lion. He then commenced with the Magical Evaluation Skill. A triangular light immediately emerged at the Sirius Lion's feet and ascended. At this point, different lights representing its qualities appeared.

All the beast evaluators looked at each other in astonishment. They were stunned because it turned out that the Beast Evaluation Skill that Rocky used was the same as Carter's.

"That's the Radiance Evaluation Skill... Why does he know the Beast Evaluation Skill of my master?" Carter's face grew serious as he recognized the Beast Evaluation Skill that Rocky was using. It mainly followed the same pattern of his Beast Evaluation Skill that he learned from his master. The only difference was that Rocky directly applied the Radiance Evaluation Skill while he, on the other hand, was prone to using the Eight-trigram Mirror as a medium for it. By contrast, it now seemed as if Rocky was more skillful than he was in the display of the Radiance Evaluation Skill. As for Carter, he couldn't generate the Radiance Evaluation Skill without the assistance of the Eight-trigram Mirror.

Though Carter represented the Rare Beast Farm, he learned the exquisite skills of beast evaluation from a reputable master. The Radiance Evaluation Skill was the skill that was incredibly unique to his master and his master's disciples. It made use of the lights of qualities to evaluate spirit-manipulated beasts. Therefore, Carter felt it strange that the Beast Evaluation Skill Rocky used was quite like the Radiance Evaluation Skill. He remembered that his master once told him that the Radiance Evaluation Skill was originally created by their ancestral grandmaster who had went through the Wild Spirit Land alone. And although there were many imitators, it was next to impossible to fully emulate the Radiance Evaluation Skill.

Surely, Carter didn't realize that he was cheated. In fact, the so-called unique skill was just stolen from the Beast Encyclopedia.

At the moment, Rocky was immersed in evaluating the lights released from the Sirius Lion, matching them respectively to the qualities recorded in the Beast Encyclopedia. Soon enough, he finally found the quality that Carter had missed.

In theory, it was beyond Rocky's current ability to evaluate the four-star baby spirit-manipulated beast, because the lights coming from it were too obscure to identify. However, thanks to the detailed information in the Beast Encyclopedia, Rocky was able to adjust those lights to correspond with the qualities listed in the book. After that, Rocky compared his evaluation with Carter's and excluded the same qualities that he also found. At last, the missing quality was revealed.

"Everybody, pay attention to the ash black light. It's so peculiar, neither bright nor dim. This light represents the quality that Carter missed. It's very special in a way that it's difficult to find under normal conditions. This quality is named as transformation. It means that the Sirius Lion will grow to a state where he will be endowed with the ability of transformation. To be specific, it can freely change the color of its fur, its size, and so on." Rocky showed the light in the spiritual array by itself so that the crowd would be able to see it clearly.

Carter was embarrassed as Rocky pointed out his mistake publicly. He wanted to rebut what Rocky said, but he couldn't think of anything to say to further contradict him. He knew what Rocky said was right. Indeed, that was the quality he had missed. Maybe the others were not able to grasp the truth, but for Carter, he knew it quite well.


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