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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 You Will Die 

Chapter 13 You Will Die 

Sebastian urged Angela to leave quickly as well. He becomes a different person when he has an episode. He becomes aggressive and violent. He’ll hurt anyone

Angela’s eyes flickered, but instead of leaving, she approached and anxiously grabbed Jonathan’s arm. If we don’t treat him soon, he will dielAngela exclaimed sternly. Don’t move!” 

The young girl looked fierce, and Sebastian was startled, staring blankly at Angela’s actions

Angela turned around and took out several silver needles from her bag. Do you have any alcohol? Or wine?” 

Sebastian reacted quickly and hurriedly took out a bottle of Centralis spirit from the car’s trunk, handing it to Angela

Looking at the prominent words Centralis spiriton the bottle, Angela was stunned for three seconds. She felt a slight pang of heartache, then quickly disinfected the silver needles, and skillfully and swiftly pierced the acupoints on Jonathan’s head

Fortunately, she carried the silver needles for selfdefense, or she wouldn’t know where to find them in such a short time

As Angela displayed her exceptionally skilled acupuncture technique, a hint of surprise flashed in Sebastian’s eyes. He was extremely astonished. Her technique was so experienced and proficient that she must have had at least ten years of experience

After a session of acupuncture, Jonathan closed his eyes and collapsed. Angela quickly reached out and gently caught his head

He had fallen asleep

Angela’s eyelashes trembled, her face filled with confusion as she looked at Sebastian…. 

Sebastian’s mouth twitched, disguising a cough, and he quickly opened the other side of the car door. carefully supporting Jonathan

Only after finishing everything did Sebastian feel a pang of sourness in his heart. In the eyes of outsiders, the young master was a privileged person, possessing a fortune that could never be exhausted in several lifetimes. But no one knew of Jonathan’s hardships. At such a young age, he lost his mother, and his father not only had a mistress but also had an illegitimate child who was only a few years younger than the young master, eyeing the family’s wealth. After a major illness, his health deteriorated, and nightmares plagued him, depriving him of a good night’s sleep. Sleep disorders accompanied by headaches require medication to alleviate some of the pain

However, in recent years, his drug resistance had been increasing, and the prescribed medication gradually became ineffective. Sometimes, Jonathan only had less than an hour of sleep. No one could function with only one hour of sleep every day

What was simple for ordinary people was as difficult for Jonathan as reaching the heavens. But now, he actually fell asleep. Sebastian looked at Angela with red eyes and asked, Miss, what’s wrong with him?” 

Angela glanced at the sleeping Jonathan, and Sebastian immediately understood. The two of them walked 


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Chapter 13 You Will Die 


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a few steps away

I have been living with 

Angela explained siy grandmother since I was a child, and my medical skills are inherited from her

Upon hearing this, a gleam of light appeared in Sebastian’s eyes, and his lips trembled. Thencan you take a look and see if you can cure the young master’s illness?” 

After pondering for a while. Angela said, I can give it a try.” 

Sebastian cried and laughed at the same time, wiped away his tears, and nodded hesitantly. Okay, let’s do our best.” 

There is always hope, which is always good

Master Jonathan is such a good person, so he shouldn’t have to suffer like this

About half an hour later, Jonathan slowly opened his narrow eyes. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a delicate figure squatting at the side of the road

Noticing that Jonathan had woken up. Sebastian asked with concern how he was feeling

Angela also stood up and ran a few steps, walking to the side of the car. Jonathan, how do you feel now? Are you feeling better?” 

Looking down at her with his deep black eyes, Jonathan grunted softly

Sebastian, who was worried, handed the pill he had found to Jonathan. Master Jonathan, are you really okay? Why don’t you take this pill?” 

Sebastian, can you show me the pill you’re holding?Angela’s nose twitched, and she spoke up abruptly


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