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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134 These Marks on Me, Done by Your Father 

89% 12:28 


It was your father who did this, Angela thought as she walked out. She looked up at the dazzling sunlight and exhaled softly

Following that, a brilliant smile appeared on her face. She knew that she was finally leaving this place that she called homefor good

From now on, it would be a vast world where she would be free. As for those people and things from the past, they were no longer worth her emotions

She wanted to pursue her passions with love and dedication, for example… 

Helping Jonathan to stand up again! I wanna see him standing proudly in this beautiful world, fearlessly conquering all obstacles and reaching the pinnacle that he deserves

Oliver sympathized with Mrs. Lawson for having such unkind parents, siblings, and relatives, but… 

Mrs. Lawson, if you don’t leave now, you won’t make it back in time for lunch

Today, May made her specialty of braised pork and fried chicken

Oliver couldn’t help but remind her, Mrs. Lawson, it’s time to go home for lunch. You have classes in the afternoon.” 

Angela nodded. Oliver is right to have reminded me. She was in a hurry home, but as she was about to board the car, she heard the sound of rapid footsteps and Fanny’s voice

Angela, wait a minute.” 

Angela frowned and turned around in disgust. Fanny was already in front of her and panting from the rush. Fanny had already approached her, panting from the rush. Her delicate face was flushed with a hint of red hue

She looks pitifully charming

Angela sneered and said, Fanny, there’s nobody from the Kins Family. No need to keep up the act.” 

Fanny glanced warily at Oliver behind her and acted gently and amiably. In ten days, Christopher and I will have our engagement banquet at the Laurel Hotel. Since you can’t leave, please remember to attend.” 


Chapter 134 These Marks on Me, Done by Your Father 

+5 Free Cons 

Angela looked at her indifferently and said disdainfully, Fanny, have you lost your mind? I have no interest in attending your engagement banquet with that man. You can invite me to a funeral instead.” 

Fanny was taken aback by this response. She failed to see the jealousy and unwillingness she expected on Angela’s face. Could it be that Angela does not like Christopher anymore? It seems impossible. He’s the most outstanding and prestigious man in all of Riverdon. If it hadn’t been for Angela’s sudden appearance, I wouldn’t need to have put in so much effort over the years and nearly lost my fiancé as a result

Thankfully, everything had turned out well

Soon, I’ll be the Kins Family’s only daughter once again

As she thought about all these, Fanny gave a gentle smile. You should still attend, Angela. Apart from my engagement banquet, you won’t have many opportunities to attend high- class events with the prestigious identity of the young lady of the Kins Family in the future.” 

Thank you for the invitation. Since you have extended it with sincerity, I will definitely attend, and I will do so with an even more prestigious identity!” 

With that, Angela got into the car and slammed the door shut

Oliver chuckled as he glanced at Fanny

What nonsense is she talking about

The status of Mrs. Lawson was a thousand timesno, ten thousand timesmore prestigious than that of any young lady of the Kins Family

After getting into the car, Oliver fiercely drove away, spraying Fanny’s face with exhaust and splashing her white dress with mud from the tires

Fanny cried out in shock and instinctively covered her face, looking comical and embarrassed. By the time she reacted, the car had already sped off

She stomped her feet in anger

With a fierce glint in her eyes, she vowed to make Angela suffer once she was adopted. She had countless ways to make Angela’s life a living hell

Driving down the road, Oliver couldn’t help but glance at Angela, who was resting with her eyes closed through the rearview mirror

Angela lifted her eyelids slightly. What do you want to say?” 


Chapter 134 These Marks on Me, Done by Your Father 

29% 12:29 

+5 Free Coins 

Oliver’s eyes sparkled with excitement as he exclaimed, Mrs. Lawson, that Fanny is so wicked. She’s just like what my teacher saida person with an evil heart. I’m going to tie her 

and teach her a lesson!” 


Angela was shocked. So, Oliver is legally ignorant

Feeling the need to educate him, she said, Assaulting someone, no matter who it is, is illegal. If you get caught, you’ll end up in jail.” 

Oliver blinked and whispered confidently, I’m good at fighting. I won’t get caught.” 

Angela chuckled and closed her eyes to rest again. Don’t do it. A girl like her can’t withstand your beating. If you hurt Fanny, be careful because the Kins Family will trace it back to you.” 

Although Fanny indeed deserved a beating, the Kins Family was not to be trifled with. Oliver, with no background, would be in serious trouble if he was caught

OhOliver sounded dejected, but then his eyes sparkled again

Fanny might not be able to handle a beating, and neither could the sickly boy, but the men of the Kins Family, especially Samuel, could. Samuel had always borne a grudge against Mrs. Lawson, so Oliver had planned to tie him up and give him a beating after school

Oliver wanted to tell Mrs. Lawson about his plan, but seeing her resting with her eyes closed, he decided to keep quiet. Beating Samuel first and surprising her thereafter seemed like a better idea

After dinner and a short rest at home, Oliver escorted Angela to school

Angela entered the classroom alone, took out a book from her desk drawer, and found a note inside

The note read, I’ll be waiting for you behind the third building.’ 

It was signed by one Linda Saw

Why are you looking for me again

The third building was nearby, but it was not too secluded, with a few summer pavilions and a large artificial lake behind it. It wasn’t time for class yet, so there would be many people around


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