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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173 Not Dead Yet 


100% 19:40 

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Angela’s heart skipped a beat, feeling a little relieved. As long as he’s not dead.” 

She had heard of some of Oliver’s glorious deeds, all of which were ruthless. If this was taken care of, she was afraid it would be a case of killing

Just a beating for now, that’s fine

Then, she asked again. You weren’t seen by anyone, right?” 

If Samuel had seen him and recognized him, the Kins Family would not let it go easily. She needed to send Oliver away now to avoid trouble

Oliver glanced in the rearview mirror. Mrs. Lawson doesn’t seem angry

So, he immediately patted his chest proudly. Mrs. Lawson, rest assured. I am quick. I hit him and ran. Samuel doesn’t have time to call out. No one noticed.” 

He remembered Mrs. Lawson said not to hit people. It was illegal

He went secretly, worried that Mrs. Lawson would be angry. But he couldn’t stand Samuel bullying Mrs. Lawson

He wanted to ask Jonathan, but Daniel answered the phone

After hearing Oliver out, Daniel gave him some guidance. Protect Mrs. Lawson’s safety. If anyone who threatens Mrs. Lawson’s safety, deal with them. Then, Mrs. Lawson will be safe, right?” 

Oliver thought it made sense

No wonder people said that Daniel was clever. Educated people had a sharp mind

Oliver finally understood

With a change in his expression, Angela warned Oliver. No more of that next time. We are lawabiding citizens. We can’t do things like that.” 

Oliver promised repeatedly, Next time, I will make sure to get Mrs. Lawson’s permission before taking action.” 

Angela rubbed her temples. Is that what I meant




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Chapter 173 Not Dead Yet 

Angela was glancing out the window, and her eyes flickered with emotion

No matter how serious it was, the Kins Family would always be lively

She let out a light chuckle, wondering what scene they were in at that time

Back at Springgate Estates, Jonathan had returned without her noticing 

He sat in the living room with the physiotherapist that Old Mr. Sanders had just brough back from overseas sitting in front of him

At this moment, he sat on the couch with a cold expression and a dignified posture

He was discussing the followup rehabilitation methods fluently with the physiotherapist Brundelian

Angela walked in with light footsteps, blinked when she saw this scene, and then tactfully retreated

Jonathan raised his eyes and saw her. The usually cold gaze softened slightly. Come here.” 

Angela shrank her neck, suddenly feeling guilty, as if she was about to be scolded by her parents for doing something wrong

She swallowed hard, moved her steps, and walked over

Then, she heard Jonathan’s faint voice saying, What are you hiding from?” 

Angela was already feeling guilty, and hearing this made her involuntarily straighten her back, stumbling to explain, I was just worried about affecting your work.” 

Jonathan glanced at her, then looked away, saying, This is the physiotherapist my grandfather brought in

Upon hearing this, Angela’s mind instantly clicked

If her grandfather brought it in, then it was her grandfather’s person

If she acted like she wasn’t close to Jonathan, her grandfather would definitely find out

Realizing this, Angela’s lips curved into a bright smile

She walked over and sat down next to Jonathan, casually linking her arm with his. Oh. A person your grandfather brought in. I came back late, and you didn’t even call me.” 


Chapter 173 Not Dead Yet 

Jonathan felt the softness of the young girl, and his gaze swept over her fair hand, emotions deepening in his eyes

Angela’s Brundelian was fluent, so she directly communicated with the physiotherapist in Brundelian

With rosy lips and white teeth, she appeared mature and charming, yet also with the innocence and playfulness of a young girl her age 

The physiotherapist’s eyes gradually filled with admiration as he listened

Afterward, Angela continued to discuss Jonathan’s physical condition with him, offering some of her suggestions

Combining traditional and modern medicine would be the most effective approach to aid Jonathan’s recovery

After hearing her out, the physiotherapist couldn’t help but applaud, Mrs. Lawson, I didn’t realize you had such a profound understanding of medicine. What you just suggested is even more beneficial than our modern treatments.” 

Don’t worry. I will integrate both methods and care for Mr. Lawson wholeheartedly.” 

He then turned to Jonathan and sincerely remarked, Traditional medicine is truly remarkable and mysterious.” 

As the session neared its end, the physiotherapist had gained a thorough understanding of Jonathan Lawson’s condition

Before leaving, he scheduled physiotherapy sessions four times a week, cach lasting an hour, starting at 5 a.m. 

Upon hearing the early time, Angela furrowed her brow slightly. Although the early bird catches the worm, Jonathan already struggled with sleep, so waking up at 5 a.m. seemed toot carly

She gently tugged at Jonathan’s arm, considering suggesting a change in the schedule, but decided against it

Jonathan sensed her hesitation and lowered his gaze, asking, Is there something on your 


Angela blinked and then spoke up

Jonathan’s gaze deepened, his voice gentle, My sleep has been good lately, and I’ve been 


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Chapter 173 Not Dead Yet 

sleeping longer.” 

It was all thanks to her being his human pillow

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Her worries cased upon hearing this. She promised to research more beneficial recipes for his recovery

Jonathan chuckled, ruling Angela’s hair


Angela’s heart fluttered slightly

She bit her lip, taking a step back. Jonathan, I’ll go prepare dinner in the kitchen.” 

With that, she hurried off to the kitchen

Jonathan stood there, watching her go before a faint smile played on his lips

The girl seemed to have matured


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