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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Showing Cracks 

Being a good person was costly, but in comparison to her father’s life, what did it matter

Sarah lowered her gaze, observing her father’s pale and frail visage. Her eyes welled up with 


Angela glanced at her, then averted her gaze. Retrieving a notebook from her canvas bag, she passed it to Sarah. Tve detailed the instructions and dosages here. The process is a bit intricate, so please review it first. If you have any questions. I’ll be happy to explain.” 

Sarah’s eyes scanned the elegantly written text in the notebook, and after a moment, she 

closed it

Angela blinked, slightly taken aback. You finished reading it so quickly?” 

Yes, I’m a fast reader.Sarah smiled with gratitude. You’ve written it very comprehensively. and the handwriting is lovely, unlike our school leader’s scribbles.” 

Recalling the messy handwriting, Angela couldn’t help but chuckle, then inquired. Shall I test you about it?” 

Of course

Angela’s gaze shifted as she questioned, Tell me the weight of lily bulbs and platycodon roots needed for the medicine to be decocted at noon.” 

10 grams of lily bulbs and 7 pieces of platycodon roots ground into powder and boiled in hot water for 40 minutes.” 

Angela posed a few more queries

Without exception, Sarah promptly answered each one

Angela’s eyes shimmered with curiosity. Whenever Sarah’s name came up at school, the term beautifulwas consistently used. Hearing it repeatedly, Angela had unwittingly formed the impression that Sarah was merely a pretty face.However, observing Sarah now, she saw the beautiful facade seemed to possess some substance

Angela blinked. Do you have a photographic memory? That would certainly be advantageous for studying medicine.” 

For others, memorizing the names of those herbs and their precise weights to decimal poin 

would be overwhelming. However, for a medical student, this skill was a godsend


Chapter 180 Showing Cracks 

Sarah souded. “I just have a good memory. You, on the cather hand, are truly remarkable” 

After all, Angela was the key to whether her father could weaken and recuperate 

Angela rechecked Zayn’s juler Though stable, it was slightly weaker compared to before Samuel, that fool, had arrived

She glanced at Sarah. The patient requires rest, so let’s not disturb him with external 



Sarah was momentarily puzzled, then grasped the implied message and nodded

Tll take my leave now. Make sure your father receives his medication on time 

Administering medicine and sustenance to an unconscious patient was challenging, so Angela imparted a few pointers to Sarah before departing the ward

Oliver hurried over, looking as if he were seeking approval. Mrs. Lawson, I held back while dealing with Samuel just now. I made sure nothing untoward happened to him, hehe


Angela smiled, then casually remarked, We should refrain from resorting to violence when dealing with such individuals. We are people of culture, so we shouldn’t stoop to their level.” 

Oliver scratched his head, contemplating her words. But Daniel mentioned that if we need to take action, we should do so decisively.” 

Daniel often said something like you’ve got to nip it in the bud, otherwise it just grows back stronger.So, who should we really listen to

Angela glanced at him. I’m the missus, so you must obey me.” 

If Oliver got imprisoned, she wouldn’t have the capacity to extricate him

Oliver nodded obediently and followed her instructions

Mrs. Lawson, please wait here. I’ll go start the car.” 

The car was a short distance away, and Angela stayed put, waiting for him

Fanny’s voice suddenly echoed from the opposite side of the parking lot




Chapter 180 Showing Cracks 

Angela rolled her eyes, feeling repulsed by the voNET 

Fanny approached, questioning. Did your dog injure Samuel again?” 

She had arranged to meet a few classmates for lunch at the new restaurant near the foot 

Just as they were seated at the restaurant, the received a call from Samma 

He complained to her, saying that Joseph and Zacharias were acting irrationally, forcing him to apologize to Sarah and Angela

After listening to him. Fanny wanted to curse at him and thought about finding an excuse not to go, but then she heard that Zacharias was also presen 

If she didn’t go, she was unsure of what Zacharias might say 

Reluctantly, Fanny left the restaurant. There were two of her classmates who truly disliked 


She had hoped that the support of her classmates would help teach them a lesson during the meal, so they wouldn’t dare to speak out of turn at school again

Now that she had left, she was uncertain about what they might say 


Angela’s gaze turned cold as she stared directly at Fanny. Since there was no one else around. she dropped all pretense

Her beautiful and innocent face now exuded a strong sense of malice

Angela suddenly smiled in amusement. She raised an eyebrow and said, When your mentioned dog, it reminded me of something


Your friend Stella. I told her that you intentionally drugged her to make her miss your engagement ceremony.” 

Angela continued with a wider smile, She believed it at the time, and after checking, she mentioned that you were deceiving her.” 

Didn’t Angela taunted

you notice this when you saw each other in the

At those words, emotions flickered in Fanny’s eyes. Her pink lips parted, but she remained 



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