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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 195

Chapter 195 Broke 

Ais 11:02 

Jonathan sat on the couch, opened the lunch box, and took out the dishes and rice bowl. Have you eaten the portion for one person!” 

Angela nodded. Yes, I ate before coming” 

Then, she began to look around his office. It was her first time here

A few seconds later, Jonathan murmured in acknowledgment

They ate in silence

This style matches perfectly with the decoration of Springgate Estates. Angela figured it was the work of an interior designer

In less than a minute, the door was pushed open again, and a female secretary brought in at cup of tea. Miss Angela, here’s your tea.” 

Angela casually replied. Okay, thank you

Not Miss Angela, it’s Mrs. Lawson.” Jonathan stopped using his cutleries and glanced at the secretary. This is my wife. In the future, when she comes, just bring it directly to my office.” 

Okay, Mr. Lawson, Mrs. Lawson. The female secretary looked at Angela with a complicated. look, then got up and left the room

Within a few minutes, there was another knock on the office door

“Come in.” 

The secretary held a lunch box and said nervously, Mr. Lawson, this is the lunch that was ordered in advance and has been delivered.” 

Jonathan didn’t even look up and said softly, Just leave it there.” 

Lunch? Is this what he normally eats if lunch isn’t delivered

She turned around and happened to see the secretary looking at her. The latter quickly withdrew her gaze and left the office

Angela curiously asked, Jonathan, is this your work lunch?” 

Jonathan, who was still eating, looked up at her, then glanced at the lunch box placed on the 


81% 11:02 

Chapter 195 Broke 

+5 Free Coins 

desk by his secretary, and explained, It’s fine to leave it there. My secretary orders lunch for me every day.” 


Jonathan continued to eat with his head down unhurriedly, and his posture was exceptionally graceful

Angela suddenly remembered a phrase that had been said too many times. Serious men are the most charming

Just as she was about to look away, she inadvertently glanced at the lunch box

After some thought, Angela picked up the lunch box to see what someone like Jonathan, a businessman of his caliber, would cat

It was a silver insulated container. She turned it around and found no logos or brand markings

It looked like a personal one, the kind she used to give to George and James for their work lunches, and Fanny would deliver them using the same type of box

Angela put the lunch box down, unscrewed the lid, and a strong egg fragrance hit her nose

The first layer was fried eggs, and they weresmiley face fried eggs

She then carefully removed the layers of dishes. The dishes were very homecooked, nothing like what one would find in a restaurant. The presentation was also plain, not like how restaurants serve dishes. It looked more like the kind of lunch packed by a young working girl for herself

Angela placed everything back and casually remarked, Jonathan, let’s try a different place next time. The presentation here is really unimpressive.” 

Jonathan raised his eyes, locked eyes with her for a few seconds, then replied, Your call.” 

On the other side, Christopher was escorted into Michael’s office by his assistant. As soon as he pushed the door open, he saw Michael sitting upright in his chair with a stern expression and a furrowed brow

He immediately realized he was in for a scolding

Dad, here are the documents you asked for. I brought them over.” 


as 11:02 

Chapter 195 Broke 

After carefully handing the documents to Michael, Christopher lowered his head nervously. unable to meet his father’s eyes 

Michael was furious. He slammed the documents on the table and pointed at Christopher, Sternly reprimanding, What were you thinking? How did you end up arguing with Jonathan again? And that Angela, she’s your sisterinlaw now. Why do you keep getting involved with 


While Jonathan held sway in the Lawson Family and had the backing of the Sanders Family. the patriarch’s disapproval of Christopher and Teresa lingered due to Elisa’s death. He had insisted on Christopher marrying Angela before, but now, despite Christopher’s engagement to Fanny, he continued to clash with Angela

Did he believe that Jonathan was being too lenient with them

If they angered Jonathan now, they would lose any benefits they might gain

Michael, wise as he was, couldn’t fathom how he ended up with a son as foolish as Christopher

Feeling guilty and ashamed, Christopher furrowed his brow. He was unable to explain. Dad, this time, it’s not my fault. I just don’t want Angela to have anything to do with our family. What right does she, a woman of low status, have?” 

Everything went terong because of that d’mned woman, Angela

She doesn’t know her place and dares to speak disrespectfully to me, so I…” 

Before Christopher could finish his sentence, Michael sternly interrupted, Enough! Understand your place. Do you not grasp the current situation? How long do you want to carry the stigma of being an illegitimate?” 

They had to endure in order to bring down Jonathan. time was right, they 

And when the would strike and ensure that Jonathan would never rise again

At that point, the entire Lawson Group would belong to the father and sonno, the Sanders Group

Michael’s words pierced Christopher’s heart like a sharp blade, causing his expression to change instantly

The label of being illegitimate had been weighing heavily on him for a long time. Although no one pointed fingers at him and called him an illegitimate son, everyone knew his mother had once been his father’s mistress


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