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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 Not Settled Yet

Chapter 204 Not Settled Yet

Box 11:07 

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When he returned to Springgate Estates, Jonathan retrieved the medicine box to tend to Angela. As he observed the bruises on her shoulders and arms, his gaze turned icy

When she sensed the chill creeping up behind her, Angela remained still and silent as she acknowledged her mistake this time

With her head bowed, Angela endured the pain, and she was determined to persevere

I’ll have May prepare some soothing soup for you.” Jonathan assisted Angela in lying down. He tucked her in and spoke in a gentle tone, You’ve had a long day: rest well.” 

Angela Kins watched as Jonathan closed the door softly. She obediently nodded like a docile rabbit. Jonathan proceeded to the study to call Simon

Since the Kins Family refused to coexist peacefully, he was more than willing to intervene

Meanwhile, Angela lay awake in bed as her mind raced with thoughts. She was well aware that involving the police would stir up a storm within the Kins Family

Originally, she had only intended to have Samuel detained for a few days, but the situation. escalated with scolding, threats, and even violence

She pondered how the Kins Family would retaliate this time


As she relied on Jonathan’s influence, she found the courage to take action

Joseph claimed that they were still family and that Jonathan’s affection wouldn’t last long: those seemed irrelevant now

The future consequences were of little concern to her as long as she could disrupt the family’s peace and stability

As these thoughts brought her joy, a call from Jessica interrupted her reverie

I’m returning. Can you pick me up?Jessica’s cheerful voice hinted at her good spirits

Amidst the recent chaos, Angela had almost forgotten about Jessica’s impending return

After she confirmed the details, Angela eagerly waited for Jessica’s arrival as she was eager to share the family’s recent turmoil

On the other side, Fanny had just returned from the hospital when Michael summoned her 



Chapter 204 Not Seuled Yet

to the study

Confused by the unexpected summons, Fanny wondered why her fatherinlaw wanted to meet her privately

Was it related to Christopher’s car accident, or was she about to face criticism once again

As she approached the study, Fanny suppressed her impatience and maintained a composed facade

She was seated before Michael as she inquired, You wanted to see me, Dad?” 

As he glanced briefly at the documents, Michael gestured for Fanny to sit and addressed her sternly, I heard Samuel caused some trouble.” 

Surprised by the revelation, Fanny feigned ignorance. I’m not aware. What happened?” 

When he noticed Fanny’s genuine shock, Michael softened his tone. I have contacts at the police station. They informed me that he was involved in altercations, including physical violence, resulting in a police report.” 

Oh.” Fanny felt a bit uneasy, unsure of Michael’s intentions. She felt compelled to explain, This morning. Samuel and I visited Christopher at the hospital together. It didn’t seem like a big deal, did it?” 

Michael reclined in his chair. I’m not entirely sure about the details, but you should inquire when you have the chance. After all, he is your brother, and you should be concerned about him.” 

Rumors had it that Jonathan had intervened in the situation which caused a disruption in the flow of information and left him with limited knowledge. Regardless of the initial severity of the matter, with Jonathan’s involvement and the strained relationship between the Kins Family and Angela, the issue that concerned Samuel was bound to be significant

He wasn’t particularly invested in the affairs of the Kins Family; he simply didn’t want it to impact Christopher in the future

Christopher already had a tarnished reputation due to his extramarital child, and any trouble caused by his wife’s family would only exacerbate the situation

With these thoughts in mind, Michael’s expression darkened slightly

He had advised Christopher against marrying this woman, but his warnings fell on deaf ears

As she sensed Michael’s displeasure, Fanny displayed a hint of anxiety. Thank you for 



Chapter 204 Not Settled Yet

informing me, Dad. I will look into it. The recent incident at the resort had me so preoccupied that I hadn’t had a chance to consider this 

As she spoke, Fanny’s eyes welled up, and she was on the brink of tears

Very well,Michael responded coolly, and his impatience was evident

Truly, what good was it to marry a woman with a questionable background who was always on the verge of tears

How would Christopher compete with Jonathan in the future

Fanny was adept at reading people’s emotions. When she observed Michael’s demeanor, she quickly retreated

Once she shut the study door, her expression turned grim

What had Samuel done this time

She grabbed her bag and rushed to the Kins Family; she did not even take the time to change. her clothes

Upon her arrival, the family had just finished dinner and were enjoying some fruits

The lively atmosphere gave no indication of any issues

Scarlet greeted Fanny with surprise, Fanny, why are you here so late? Come in quickly.” 


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