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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215 Have You Seen The Photos

Chapter 215 Have You Seen The Photos

Jonathan’s warm breath lingered in Angela’s car, making her feel all tingly

For some reason, they had already become more intimate, even though they had shared more intimate moments. Yet, this simple act of embracing each other quietly still made Angela’s heart race

How am I supposed to sleep like this

Angela nervously fidgeted with her fingers

Jonathan’s hand that was around Angela’s waist gently rubbed against her. What’s wrong?” 


you really rest like this?Angela sounded worried

Maybe we should just go back to their own beds

After a moment of contemplation, Jonathan said, Did I accidentally touch your wound?” 

With that, he released his hold on her and added, I’ll sleep in the smaller bed.” 

Jonathan felt somewhat frustrated

How could he forget that she was still recovering

Just a casual invitation from her had already made him somewhat uneasy

No,she said, reaching out to tug at his sleeve

That wasn’t what she meant

She wasafraid he wouldn’t rest well

Angela furrowed her brow and bit her lip. She was unsure of how to express herself

Jonathan turned around and looked at her. Angela, don’t tempt me with that look and posture.” 

Angela raised her head, and Jonathan Lawson’s eyes darkened slightly, with a hint of understanding in them

Blushing, she quickly let go of his sleeve. Jonathan, I didn’t meanthat. Good night.” 


Chapter 215 Have You Seen The Photos

With that, she lay down on the bed and covered her head with the blanket

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From behind came his playful laughter. Angela, take good care of yourself and recover quickly.” 

After speaking, he lay down on the small bed

Perhaps too tired, the couple exchanged a few words before drifting off to sleep

Listening to the steady breathing beside her, Angela felt incredibly at ease at that moment. Maybe it was because she had been on edge all day, but now that she had relaxed, she felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her, and she fell asleep in no time

When Angela woke up, Jonathan was already gone, and Ms. May brought in breakfast, which looked very delicious

And when Scarlet found out that Angela had specifically requested her presence, she was not pleased at all

Last time, Angela hadn’t been very friendly toward her. This time, being summoned without being given a proper reason, Scarlet didn’t know how she would be tormented

Upon seeing his mother still in a bad mood, Joseph was also very helpless, but he patiently persuaded her, Right now, Zacharias is beyond help from medicine. You know that. The only one who can save him is Angela. Angela may be upset with us, but if we let her vent, I believe she won’t stand by and watch someone die.” 

In his view, although Angela had changed somewhat and was no longer as foolish as before, there were some things deep down that wouldn’t change. However, he didn’t have a very effective way to handle her

Now that Angela Kins had made a move, he was curious as to why she insisted on bringing Scarlet over

Can she still be yearning for the maternal love she lacked in her childhood

With this thought, Joseph couldn’t help but smirk. The situation was becoming increasingly fascinating

Scarlet was extremely reluctant. You know what kind of person she has become. Back when we didn’t even bother with her, she was still so arrogant. And now, am I supposed to go crawling to her for help? At my age, wouldn’t that just be humiliating?” 

But really, what’s the harm in a little humiliation? It’s not like it will be turned into a movie for everyone to see. In the confines of that closed room, dignity seems like a trivial concern since no one else 


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Chapter 215 Have You Seen The Photos

will ever know

Joseph felt that Scarlet was impossible to reason with. Mom, but we don’t have any other options now.” 

you push 

Scarlet’s face darkened. It’s all because you’re useless. If you were any good, would me to stoop to such embarrassing measures? You all strut around so confidently in normal circumstances, but now, you just want to make me go and do these disgraceful things?” 

She had no intention of going. Let whoever wanted to go leave

At this point, Joseph had lost his patience

He believed he had exhausted all efforts to save Zacharias

It was George and Scarlet, as parents, who were neglectful and unable to confront the 


Joseph’s tone turned icy. If you’re not willing to go, then let’s brainstorm another solution. But you’re well aware of the urgency surrounding Zachariascondition. I’ll head back to the hospital now. Hopefully, we can find a way out.” 

With those words, he left without a backward glance

Scarlet was stunned. Her son’s behavior was deteriorating

Where is the gentle and obedient son from before? How can he simply utter a few words and walk away

He’s truly a chip off the old block, just like George, quick to lose his temper at the slightest inconvenience

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became

If the child isn’t taught, if the father’s fault

It’s all George’s fault

So, she dialed George’s number

There was still no response

Scarlet slammed the phone in frustration

This house was becoming increasingly desolate

Forget it. She didn’t want it anymore



Chapter 215 Have You Seen The Photos

She was still angry when suddenly the phone rang, vibrating on the ground

Feeling helpless, she picked it up

It was an unknown number calling

She hesitated for a moment, then pressed the answer button. Hello” 

The other person spoke softly. Excuse me, are you Madam Scarlet Square

Scarlet frowned. The woman’s voice on the other end sounded somewhat familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had heard it before

She asked, Who is this?” 

The woman chuckled, then said, Have you received the photos?” 

She intentionally spoke softly because she did not want the other party to recognize her 


Scarlet impatiently replied. What nonsense is this? Who are you?” 

The woman’s voice was gentle yet somewhat affected, You’ll find out soon enough. Oh, by the way, you must look at the photos. Then you’ll know where your husband sleeps when he’s not beside you.” 


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