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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 218

Chapter 218 Pm Begging You 

Chapter 218 I’m Begging Your 

When Scarlet arrived, Angela was lazily sunbathing on the balcony

This luxurious studio apartment had everything one could need, making it as comfortable as being at home

Having money was truly wonderful

With a good mood and comfortable living arrangements, Angela’s injury healed quickly

At that moment, Oliver came to inform her that Scarlet had arrived

Upon hearing this, the smile faded from Angela’s face

She couldn’t believe that someone as arrogant and unwilling to back down as Scarlet had actually come, all because of Zacharias, 

Indeed, apart from Angela, any child in Scarlet’s eyes was held in high regard

When Scarlet entered, she seemed a bit uneasy. Having learned from the previous encounter, she didn’t display the same arrogant attitude. Instead, she appeared somewhat gentler

She was holding some things in her hands, and her gaze fell on Angela with a hint of concern. Is your wound getting better?” 

Angela sneered. Let’s be honest here. Why bother being so hypocritical about our relationship?” 

Scarlet’s expression stiffened. She was still somewhat displeased with Angela’s attitude and couldn’t help but say, Angela, regardless of anything, I am still your mother. Can you please not speak to me with such a tone?” 

Angela shrugged. Then what tone should I use? Madam Scarlet, are you still unable to grasp the situation? I am no longer your daughter. Have you forgotten?” 

The words came out without hesitation, leaving Scarlet visibly shaken. She struggled to hold back her frustration and managed a forced smile. Angela, just say the word. I’ll do whatever I can to help

Angela glanced at her casually. You’ve got it wrong, as usual. You’re the one who came to me. Why do you act like I’m twisting your arm into doing something wrong?” 


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Chapter 218 I’m Begging You 

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Scarlet’s face soured, but she tried to keep her cool. Angela, please, I’m begging you. Save Zacharias. He’s still kind to you.” 

Angela scoffed as her eyes filled with sarcasm. Kind to me? Has anyone in the Kins Family ever treated me well? I made it crystal clear before that I have nothing to do with the Kins Family’s fate.” 

But you said if I came to beg youScarlet’s face flushed as she stumbled over her words

you’d agree to help Zacharias.” 

Angela smiled. Yes, I said I’d think about itAnd isn’t this begging? Maybe life’s been too easy for you, and you don’t know what it’s like to plead with someone?” 

Scarlet was irritated by her teasing and said desperately, So what do you want? Do you me to kneel and beg you? We’ve lived as mother and daughter for a while. Even if things aren’t great for you now, it’s still better than being with Britney.” 

That was the truth


If it weren’t for their past experiences, she wouldn’t hold such deep resentment toward them. and willingly sacrifice herself for Fanny

so diligently 

Upon seeing Scarlet’s reaction, Angela chuckled. But didn’t I care for all of you in the past? Hasn’t that repaid your supposed kindness to me? Without me, Zacharias might not even be alive today.” 

Scarlet grew anxious. Angela, will you help or not?” 

Here we go againAngela seemed detached, as if observing a spectacle. I’ve mentioned before that you lack the finesse to seek aid. If you seek my assistance, you must show respect instead of coercion. Otherwise, if I’m unwilling, I won’t be able to devise a viable solution for saving someone.” 

Upon seeing Angela’s demeanor, Scarlet felt truly at a loss, prompting her to humbly inquire. Tell me, what are your terms?” 

If you want me to save Zacharias, then you must remove Fanny from the Kins Family and have her household registered at Mike’s house,” Angela stated coldly and emphasized each word. If you choose Fanny, then your son will face death.” 

These words pierced Scarlet’s heart like a dagger

She had mulled over countless scenarios, was prepared to tackle any challenge and willing to spend a hefty sum to save Zacharias. Yet, Angela’s condition caught her off guard



Chapter 218 I’m Begging You 

Instinctively, she inquired, How does this involve Fanny?” 

As expected, it all boiled down to Fanny

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In Angela’s past life, she vividly remembered a time when she had tirelessly served the family, only to fall ill from exhaustion. Despite running a high fever and delirium, no one bothered to offer her even a sip of water

Her illness was brushed off as mere theatrics, with no one acknowledging its seriousness

Meanwhile, Fanny, who had a minor cold, received an abundance of care and attention

At that time, Fanny was like a little princess and was regarded as the apple of everyone’s eyes

Angela couldn’t understand why she deserved to be neglected just because she didn’t grow up around them from a young age, thus lacking emotional attachment

So, this time, she wanted to see for herself what choice Scarlet would make between. Zacharias and Fanny

People often fail to empathize until they experience pain themselves

Angela’s eyes turned slightly cold, and she said sarcastically, After all, Zacharias has been doting on her for so long. Doesn’t Fanny want to do something for her dear brother? It’s just at matter of status, nothing serious. Anyway, she’s very sensible and kind, I think she’ll agree.” 


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