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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 223

Chapter 223 Gift 

Chapter 223 Gift 

70% 11:18 

+15 Free Coins 

Furrowing her brows slightly. Sarah gazed silently at Fanny

Fanny’s behavior today is different from what I had heard. According to the Kins brothers, Fanny is gentle and kind. She’s so kindhearted that she would cry for a while, even if she accidentally stepped on 

an ant

But what Fanny had just tried to do clea 

had nothing to do with kindness

Sarah calmed her mind before saying flatly, Fanny, I don’t want to interfere in your family affairs. But I hope you will stop in the future. I can’t keep silent if something happens to him.” 

The sense of panic within Fanny earlier seemed to have dissipated. Instead, she slowly became somewhat composed

Disdain filled her eyes as she sized Sarah up. Sarah, stop acting so morally superior and accusing me. What’s the matter? Do you see yourself as a maidenly and kind woman? We are just as bad as each other. No one is virtuous here.” 

I don’t know what you’re talking about.Sarah had no 

intention of paying attention to Fanny

You don’t know?Fanny approached Sarah and elaborated softly, You think you’re innocent? You’ve been holding onto Yusof while engaging in immoral affairs behind closed doors. Hmph. You’re not any better. Forget about escaping unscathed tomorrow if you dare. to speak out about today’s events.” 

Sarah’s face turned slightly pale as she stared at Fanny

Upon seeing Sarah’s expression, Fanny felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. Furthermore, she knew James wouldn’t spare Sarah either if she really exposed the matter

That’s more like it. I can still put in some good words in front of James and ask him to give you more money to save your dying father.” 

With these words, Fanny left with a smug smile

Once she exited the hospital, she suppressed her smile. It was all Sarah’s fault for getting in the way. It looks like this plan of mine won’t work anymore. I have to think of another plan

Sarah’s eyes flashed with a hint of complexity as she watched Fanny walk away

Meanwhile, outside the VIP wards, Angela was out for a slight breath of fresh air. Finally, she remembered Jonathan, whom she had left in the ward


Chapter 223 Gift 

7 11:18 

15 Free Coins 

I think I truly had lost my mind back there. It would have been much better if I had just responded gracefully. But no! I just had to run away. Great! That just made me look like I was hiding something

When she returned to the ward, she saw Sarah standing still at the door

Can I help you?Angela approached her and asked directly

Upon seeing Angela. Sarah slowly smiled. I came to check on you.” 

Oh.” Angela looked at Sarah suspiciously

As far as I remember, our friendship isn’t so close to the point that she will show this much concern for 

Sarah hesitated a little. Glancing around, she eventually approached Angela and whispered. I just saw Fanny visit her biological father in the general ward.” 

Upon hearing that, Angela nodded. Then, she said, Her business is not my concern.” 

Sarah pursed her lips, unsure of what to say. After much thought, she continued, Regardless, Mike is still your foster father. You should still pay a little more attention to him if you have 


Angela frowned

Before she could reply, Sarah interrupted, Thank you for treating my father. I shall be going 


Angela was at a loss for words

Is Sarah purposely here to tell me this nonsense

Based on my understanding of her, it should be unlikely

If so, what’s her intention in mentioning Fanny and Mike specifically

What’s wrong?Jonathan walked out. Who were you talking to just now?” 

With something on her mind, Angela forgot about the embarrassment from earlier and repeated what Sarah had said

After listening, Jonathan’s eyes flashed slightly. Then, he spoke, I will have someone keep an eye on this matter. Take care of yourself, and don’t worry about othersaffairs.” 

Okay.Angela obediently nodded, looking as docile as a lamb


Chapies we cont 


Jonathan permutally came to pick her up 

Angela was somewhat surprised by the gesture 

Halfway through the drive. Angela realised that they were not heading home

shghly pushed, she asked. Jonathan, where are we going 

to the Westbourg Wake Jonathan turned the steering wheel. As he drove, he explained, My Triend has a villa there. We can go there to have some fun” 

Werbung Pok’s where one could ski and go on a vacation. It was a very leisurely and relaxing place 

During holiday there was a constant stream of tourists visiting the mountain. Angela had previously heard Jessica mention several times that she wanted to go there. However, it was siicult to book 

To her surprise, it turned out that it was Jonathan’s friend who had operated the place

Angela fich grateful. Is this a gift for my discharge?” 

YesJonathan confessed before continuing. You’ve been studying, and I haven’t taken you to an outing. It’s the holidays now, and my friends have been wanting to meet you. So, I set up this meeting It’s okay Calm down.” 

With these words, Angela became even more nervous

Why didn’t you tell me in advance?she hurriedly complained

After that, she lowered her head to look at her clothes, which were indeed too plain

4x the partner of a bu 

tweeson, even if I’m no expert in business talks, at least I should make Jamathan proud in terms of appearaton 

Jonathan couldn’t help but smile. How can I surprise you if I have told you in advance? Tomorrow is New Year’s Day. Tonight, we will countdown to the New Year together. Don’t worry. They are all easy to get along with.” 

Angela said somewhat awkwardly, But I’m not properly dressed.” 

Jonathan said with a smile, It’s okay. You look good like this. Besides, you are my wife. They dare not say anything” 


12 11:18 

Chance stat Cha 

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Apache sighed secres and past herself 

*** they umple don’t understand womens mindat 

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my husband’s set topviker without makeup


Two hours linser, they arrives at then desimation Rehue genting om of 

ups to belja 

After exiting the car than bashost the car keys to the stall

A Quaint and VPNsagebooking wooden sign heaved in Anggela’s sight

Khosanan, Villi, was the name engravsst on it


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