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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 It Was Shameless

Chapter 233 It Was Shameless 

James brought Angela to Zachariasward

Free CAR 

However, he was already placed in the intensive care unit, restricting access to ordinary visitors

Nevertheless, Joseph had a solution

Joseph took charge since the previous physician could not address Zachariascondition

He had Angela change into protective clothing, and the two entered Zachariasward

Zacharias lay pallid on the hospital bed, connected to a ventilator, surrounded by various treatment and lifesaving equipment


Joseph’s face was cold and stern, and he had a worried expression as he explained Zachariascondition. Currently, his heart rate is unstable, and his breathing is very weak. His autonomous breathing is not strong, and he needs to rely on the oxygen machine. Additionally, he has been in a coma for several days with no signs of awakening.” 

Angela nodded. She removed her gloves and proceeded to the sink to sterilize her hands with disinfectant

Since Zachariasimmune system was compromised, any bacteria could be detrimental. However, she needed to assess his pulse to determine his specific condition before proceeding with treatment

She placed her hand on Zachariaspulse, silently pondering something

Previously, Joseph would have reprimanded Angela for this action. Yet now, he understood that only Angela could save Zacharias, and he had to endure her methods

Angela frowned

Zachariasphysical condition was worse than she had estimated

Aren’t the Kins Family supposed to be quite wealthy? Yet they are reluctant to spend money even to care for a patient

No. It should be said that they don’t even consider it

Zachariasillness requires meticulous care and attention, a delicate process. However, they are unwilling to invest the effort or hire specialized assistance, resulting in his deteriorating condition


Chapter 233 h Was Shameless 

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Angela sighed, startling Joseph His face turned serious. What? Is there nothing you can do?” 

She snorted. Let’s talk outside” 

She explained Zacharias condition briefly to Joseph, then said, You must understand his condition. I need to give him acupuncture and then slowly adjust it with traditional medicine. Of course, this process will be very long, and also… 

Angela emphasized. You have to promise me that you’ll follow the methods I prescribe to take care of him afterward. Otherwise, even if he up the same 

avvives this time, he’ll end next time.” 

You can’t take care of him constantly?” 

Tm not a caretaker, Angela paused, This treatment is a long process. Do you expect me to just spend my whole day revolving around Zacharias?” 

Joseph nodded. You can rest assured. We will follow your guidance to save him.” 

Angela added, He is currently in the intensive care unit, and he’s in a coma. This is not conducive to me saving him. You have to find a way to wake him up so I can start with the acupuncture.” 

She planned to use the acupuncture technique her grandmother passed down to her

Joseph felt that Angela was putting him in a difficult position. If I can wake him, do we still 


To be manipulated by you

Meeting Angela’s gaze, Joseph altered his approach, Can’t you wake him?” 

Angela smiled. It’s not difficult to transfer him from the intensive care unit. The difficulty lies in how to prolong his life and make his body recover.” 

Joseph agreed. I will find a solution.” 

Angela turned to leave, and Joseph’s voice came from behind her. Angela, I hope you can really save Zacharias. Otherwise, we won’t let you off.” 

Angela chuckled in frustration

He was begging me to save a life, yet threatening me before I even started

Oh God. Are you some ancient emperor who’ll be beheaded if the imperial physician fails to save 


Chapter 233 It Was Shameles 

Angela turned around, her expression cold. Joseph, aren’t you supposed to be a respecteit doctor? Don’t you think what you just said is shameless

How would you feel if the family of your patient said such things to

Joseph also knew he had spoken out of turn. He said lightly. I was just ansios. Tapologize 

You’re shamelessly carrying on the Kins Family’s tradition of shamelessnessArgeta na longer wanted to engage with him, turning around and leaving 

She needed to return and prepare

With Zacharias so weak, simply giving injections or medicine wouldn’t suffice. It had to be a combination. Traditional and modern medicine needed to work together for his weakened body to recover sooner

Upon Jonathan’s return home, he caught a whiff of traditional medicine in the air

Following the scent, he discovered Angela hard at work

He saw a large basin filled with brewed herbal medicine, with many silver needles floating on 


What’s this?Jonathan was puzzled

Although he was still taking medicine, his leg was nearly healed, and he no longer required. needle treatments

Angela flashed a sweet smile when seeing Jonathan. Jonathan, you’re back. I’m soaking silver needles so that when I treat Zacharias, the medicine can flow through the needles and aid in his recovery.” 

Angela’s eyes 



when it came to medicine

Don’t overexert yourself,” Jonathan said gently

Saving lives and treating illnesses was a noble pursuit. However, when Angela became busy. she tended to neglect her wellbeing, which was not what he wanted to see


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