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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 238

Chapter 288 SoulReturning Night 

84% 11:01 

+5 Free Coins 

The caller turned out to be a friend from the village where Angela used to live with the Lynches

He mentioned that there would be a memorial service for Mike in the village as per tradition, and asked if she would like to attend

Even though Angela was not Mike’s biological daughter, she had called him dad for many years, so it felt right for her to pay her respects

Angela agreed to go

However, she decided not to stay the night but to attend as a gesture to honor their bond

In the past few days, Jonathan had shown significant improvement in his condition and seemed to be back to normal, which put her at ease

Upon hearing that Angela was planning to visit the Lynches, Jonathan suggested, Take Oliver with you.” 

Angela accepted the suggestion without hesitation

The place teemed with people and activity. While there was no immediate danger, caution was advisable

After a few hours of driving, Angela arrived at the Lynches

The atmosphere here was lively

It was bustling with many people engaged in conversations, lending a helping hand, and some preparing to sing

Several large tables were set up in the courtyard, adorned with a variety of dishes

Angela raised an eyebrow. Has Britney struck it rich? But this isn’t surprising, considering the Kins Family has invested their precious gem here. She has to spend a little to ensure Fanny’s safety

Why are you here?Fanny, carrying a basin of water, confronted Angela as she was about to enter the house

Her expression was unwelcoming, showing no pretense in such a setting. 

The opinions of those other people didn’t bother her much. After spending a few days there


Chapter 238 SoulReturning Night 

184% 11:01 

$ For Cons 

she felt suffocated, and encountering the person responsible for her discomfort, Fanny naturally didn’t hide her displeasure

Angela glanced at Fanny and proceeded into the room, stating, I’m here to pay my respects

Fanny hastily placed the basin down. You’re just putting on an act. Angela, please leave and don’t disturb my dad.” 

Fanny wasn’t trying to defend anything; she simply wanted to oppose Angela at that 


DadAngela smirked, a hint of sarcasm in her eyes. You’re addressing him so smoothly now. Well done, you’ve assimilated seamlessly. Truly the bloodrelated daughter of the Lynches.” 

Fanny was furious. She approached Angela, lowering her voice, I warn you, this is not the place for your theatrics. If you have nothing to do, leave immediately.” 

Angela appraised Fanny and offered her a meaningful smile. Fanny, you seem more genuine in this state. It’s almost refreshing.” 

Fanny adjusted her clothes, glaring at Angela as if she wanted to devour her

Living with the Lynches, she couldn’t wear the expensive dresses she used to. Not only did they feel out of place, but they could easily get ruined. Moreover, every time she stepped outside, lecherous eyes followed her

She had no choice but to dress modestly to avoid unwanted attention

But Angela’s mockery was evident

Before Fanny could respond, Britney emerged

She appeared despondent, lacking her usual vigor

Fanny sneered

You were energetic and bold when asking the Kins Family for money at the police station a few days ago. Now, you’re acting like the victim and pretending to be sad

Upon seeing Angela, Britney burst into tears. Angela, you’re here. Your dad has left me all alone in despair. This heartless man. How can a healthy person just vanish like that” 

Angela furrowed her brow, taking a step back as Britney hurried towards her. My condolences. And besides” 


Chapter ga Soul Returning Nigh 

She glanced over at Barny Don’t you still have a wonderful daughter? Fanny was raised as a proper young lady, and she will surely take care of you in the future

writney nodded slightly 

Fanny stood silently to the side, her gaze fixed on Angela as she paid her respect to Mike

Angela was lost in thought as she gazed at Mike’s portrait

Feeling uneasy, Fanny approached Angela. Why are you still here?” 

Ignoring Fanny, Angela shifted her attention to Britney, Today markshis seventh day, It’s also known as the night of returning souls” 

Brimey nodded knowingly, Yes, Mike should come back to visit us, and once he does, he will leave.” 

There’s also a possibilityAngela hesitated. She then glanced at Fanny before speaking softly. I’ve heard that some people with unfulfilled wishes may return during this time to fulfill them.” 

Britney furrowed her brow. Wishes?” 

Yes. It could be concerns for loved ones, regrets, or evenseeking revenge for past wrongs when they were powerless to fight back,Angela continued slowly

Each time Angela spoke, Fanny’s heart trembled

Britney listened with confusion while Fanny felt a pang of guilt

She clenched her fists tightly

No, that can’t be true

She was a modern young woman, a believer in science. All this talk of spirits and haunting nights was nonsense

Fanny’s face paled, her heart racing

Angela observed silently, then took some money from her purse and handed it to Britney before departing


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