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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 243

Chapter 243 Registration Form 

Chapter 243 Registration Form 

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Angela took the registration form and returned to the classroom after collecting her books. She sat alone in the classroom while lost in thought

Her classmates dispersed, leaving her in a relatively quiet atmosphere

Jessica and Cassie hurried over after they called her

Jessica grabbed Angela. Let’s go. We haven’t gathered in a long time. Let’s go out for a nice meal today.” 

She was enthusiastic. Her voice was light and cheerful, dispelling the surrounding silence

International Medical Association application form?Cassie saw the form that Angela had placed on the table, picked it up, and read it

A hint of surprise appeared in her eyes. Wow! Angela, are you going to participate in this?” 

Jessica looked at Cassie. What is this?” 

Cassie briefly explained the International Medical Association, but she sounded quite envious. Do you know? There are only 100 spots available nationwide for this. The first round will be screened by internal mentors, and then 40 participants will be selected.” 

Only 100 spots nationwide?” 

Yeah.Cassie nodded. There are currently about eighty medical universities in the country and each university will have one spot so that some good universities will have a few extra spots. Like our school, we generally have 3 to 4 spots.” 

The more Cassie spoke, the more amazed Jessica felt

Jessica looked at the thin registration form in Cassie’s hand and instantly felt that it had become precious

She looked excitedly at Angela. Angela, this is amazing. This registration form is from Professor Terence, right? Since you are his student and he gave it to you, he must have a lot of confidence in you.” 

Cassie also thought so

After some thought, she continued, However, after passing the first round of selection, the applicants will have to go abroad for training in the second round. It will be for three 



Chapter 243 Registration Form 

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months, usually in chaotic and underdeveloped countries, so it could be quite dangerous.” 

Jessica’s face wrinkled again when she heard this

So, Angela, are you going?Jessica pondered. Will there be someone to protect the medical students who participate?” 

Cassie nodded. Of course. But since they’re going to chaotic places, there might still be risks to one’s life. No one can guarantee such things. You’ve seen it in the news, right?” 

Jessica fell into contemplation. Many places abroad were indeed very chaotic

They were safe in the country because of the protection of the country

Upon seeing them discussing so happily, Angela didn’t interrupt. Now that they had stopped, she said, You’re overthinking it. I didn’t say I’m going.” 



Cassie and Jessica were both surprised

Angela rubbed her forehead. I told Professor Terence that I needed to think about it for three days. But I don’t really want to go.” 

Jonathan seemed stable these days, but who knew what would happen next

If she really joined this association, she would have to devote a lot of energy to it, and then she wouldn’t be able to take care of him properly

As for what kind of lifethreatening danger she would face in the second round, she didn’t care too much. It was just that, for some reason, she slowly felt some other concerns in her heart

This feeling made it impossible for her to think rationally

There were also two conflicting thoughts in her mind

One thought said that this was a rare opportunity. Some people might never get this application form in their lifetime and although going abroad might be dangerous, the probability was not that high

The main thing was that completing my studies was a significant achievement in my life. It would enable her to help and assist more people


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Chapter 243 Registration Form 

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This practical experience and contact with topnotch professionals in the medical field was much more practical than furthering one’s studies abroad

The other thought suggested that it was important to prioritize herself in life. Being surrounded by significant individuals was what truly mattered, so it was best not to take unnecessary risks

While pursuing great achievements might seem appealing, they were just ordinary individuals without lofty ideals, and no one would blame her for that

In summary, she felt overwhelmed by her thoughts

Angela’s statement took Jessica and Cassie aback

This was an opportunity that many people dream of, yet Angela surprisingly expressed her reluctance to participate

Jessica frowned and attempted to persuade her. If you’re concerned about the risks in the second round, I can ask my father to look into it. We can also arrange for additional security if needed.” 

Cassie nodded in agreement. While there is a potential danger, the likelihood is quite low. It’s similar to flying on a planethe chances of an incident are minimal, but if something does occur, the outcome is severe.” 

Angela sighed softly. Let me consider it.” 

Upon observing Angela’s demeanor, Jessica and Cassie comprehended that she had other matters weighing on her mind

They didn’t press her further. Instead, they opted to engage in lighthearted conversation and treat Angela to a nice meal

Following their meal, Angela received a call from Jonathan and departed

Meanwhile, Jessica and Cassie strolled around the campus before settling on a bench to rest

Did you hear that Winter also received the registration form for the International Medical 


Indeed. Winter’s accomplishments are remarkable, so it’s no surprise.” 

I’m envious. I hope to achieve similar success one day.” 


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