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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 249

Chapter 249 Is It Difficult to Love Him

Chapter 249 Is It Difficult to Love Him


We are husband and wife. I’m so fond of Fanny because she is beautiful and kindhearted. Her delicate appearance always triggers my protective instincts, unlike Angela, who is assertive, or Sophia, who outgoing. Fanny could not live without him, he thought

However, if he wants to seek his father’s help to save Fanny, he can only agree to the condition of breaking off the engagement. He was very irritated and did not want to remaini in this house full of depressing vibes. So, he left directly by car to meet friends and have a drink to case his frustration

As the saying goes, determination is the key to success. After a week of persistent efforts, Daniel finally obtained some information about Jonathan’s condition from his psychiatrist 


Selfinjury disorder. Angela frowned as she heard Daniel mention the name

She never expected such a condition to exist

Daniel nodded, and his expression unusually serious. Yes, due to Jon’s past experiences. You also know that his parentsrelationship was never good, and Mr. Sanders was always away from home.” 

Daniel hesitated. Although he disapproved of Michael’s actions, he didn’t want to criticize him behind his back. Angela understood all of this in her heart. Jonathan’s parents had an arranged marriage, and their relationship was strained

Michael had a rebellious attitude. The more pressure he felt at home, the more he wanted to rebel to demonstrate his ability and presence. So he sought out Teresa and then fathered Christopher

Teresa is a woman with a pitiful background. She came from a poor family. Her father was ill, and her mother worked hard to support the family. The young Teresa had to work to earn money with no other option. Without money or power and with a certain amount of beauty, Teresa naturally attracted unwanted attention. Fortunately, she met the hero, Michael, who rescued her

In Michael’s eyes, Teresa was vulnerable and in need of protection and care, completely reliant on him. This person could trigger Michael’s protective instincts, leading to an affair. When Jonathan’s mother discovered this, it naturally caused a commotion. The more this. occurred, the more repulsed Michael became, resulting in arguments and fights and making Jonathan’s childhood a torment


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Chapter 249 Is It Difficult to Love Him

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With his mother passing away early and his father being indifferent, Jonathan’s childhood was unhappy. Since his childhood was not very pleasant, so it was only natural for him to develop psychological issues

Angela could not help but show her displeasure towards Michael. He will get his comeuppance for what he’s done. Having such a talented and outstanding son who doesn’t like him, and yet he goes and does unnecessary actions.” 

But who could she blame

In her past life, wasn’t she just as blind, liking the likes of Christopher, a hypocritical and incompetent playboy

Michael did not completely win his battle with Jonathan’s mother, and now he was focusing his competitive spirit on Christopher and Jonathan. He hoped Christopher would surpass Jonathan, his true victory

Daniel’s expression turned slightly awkward. After all, Michael was Jonathan’s biological father regardless of everything, and it was bad to speak ill of an elder behind their back

He cleared his throat a few times, then said, I think we should focus on studying this illness 


Angela nodded in agreement, feeling a bit puzzled. What did your friend say about it?” 

Daniel sat upright, slowly saying, My friend described it as the behaviors of this condition. include selfharm, hitting, burning, etc. These methods relieve emotional stress or alleviate some inner pain.” 

Angela’s eyes flickered. When she asked why Jonathan was selfharming he said it felt comforting. He must have been through a lot since he was young, causing miner turmoil. She longed to be by Jonathan’s side, offering comfort, embracing him, and assuring him that everything would be alright. These thoughts caused Angela to display a hint of sorrow

Daniel then went on, Selfharming behaviors may stem from psychological trauma, depression, anxiety, feelings of inferiority, and necessitate comprehensive treatment. involving psychological therapy and medication.” 


was sensitive to these words

In the subsequent years, this term became increasingly common on the internet. As people’s living standards improved and material needs were met, many began to grapple with mental health issues. The internet was saturated with negative emotions, almost as if having depression was a prerequisite for making friends. This environment appeared very unhealthy to Angela


Chapter 249 Is It Difficult to Love Him

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For those genuinely battling depression, feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and despair often lead to selfharm as a coping mechanism. Angela was somewhat shocked. She had never comprehended why Jonathan, surrounded by so many talented individuals, had passed away at such a young age due to illness

Now, it seemed to dawn on her Jonathan likely took his own life rather than succumbing to a challenging illness at a young age

Unaware of Angela’s increasingly pallid complexion, Daniel continued, Jon harbors self- Inathing, and he plunges into negative emotions during episodes. My friend did not clearly articulate the specific triggers or thoughts. However, I suspect it is linked to his childhood experiences. Jon has always lacked parental affection. It’s no wonder he is this way. I believed nothing could defeat him, but now it is untrue.” 

Angela felt anguished and apprehensive. Did your friend mention any specific treatment?” 

Perhaps Jonathan currently only exhibits mild selfharm tendencies, but if left unaddressed. who knows if his condition will deteriorate? Ifit progresses to severe depression, medical intervention may not wffice, she thought

Daniel’s demeanor softened slightly, There are treatment options. According to my friend. Jon’s condition is not too severe presently, so there is still hope.” 


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