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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Donald And His Family 

The military zone is situated near the residential area of Harry Holeson High. It only took a tenminute ride on an electric scooter to reach there

It felt lik: ages since she last set foot in this place. After returning to the Kins Family in her previous life. Angela never visited again. As she gazed at those oldstyle buildings, her memories had become somewhat hazy

Donald lived on the fifth floor of the third row in a threebedroom apartment. Queenie rummaged through her bag and realized that she had forgotten to bring the keys when she hurriedly left home. So, she pressed the doorbell. The doorbell rang for a while, and then a middleaged man appeared in her line of sight. Angela, come in quickly!” 

When Donald saw Angela, joy was evident in his eyes. It was wonderful that she came to live here

Angela smiled. Uncle Donald.” 

At that moment, a middleaged woman walked out of the living room. When she saw Angela, her eyes instantly turned red. Angela, I heard that you were injured and hospitalized recently. Come and let me take a look. Where did you get hurt?” 

Hecate pulled Angela into the living room and checked her injuries. When Hecate saw the clear scar on Angela’s forehead, her eyes filled with heartache

Girls naturally care about their appearance. Having such a long scar affects her looks. She 

Hecate wiped away a tear and said with concern. Is this how your family treats you? They actually kicked you out without any reason. Samuel is also despicable. He vandalized the place where you are currently living. He’s trying to make your life a living hell.” 

What? That’s too muchDonald clenched his fists in anger. He knew about Angela being kicked out, but he had no idea about their belongings being destroyed

I just heard about it at the store. It was done by Samuel. He did it for Fanny because they wanted to snatch Angela’s Brundelian speech opportunity” 

The Kins Family treated the fake heiress Fanny as a treasure, but they were not close to their own daughter. Donald knew that about them. They used to have minor conflicts, but this time, they went too far. Donald was furious, but he still comforted Angela softly, Angela, don’t be afraid. From now on, just live peacefully with me. As long as we are here, the Kins Family won’t dare to come looking for you again.” 

Although George and he were brothers, they had a falling out over a decade ago and hadn’t had any 

contact since then

With tears welling up in her eyes, Hecate nodded and agreed, Donald is right. Just settle down here. As long as we have enough to eat, you will never go hungry.” 

Angela’s eyes welled up with emotion. It was only with Donald that she could feel the warmth of family. It was a warmth she had never experienced in her previous life, despite trying to please the Kins Family her whole life. The more Donald and Aunt Hecate cared for her, the more guilty she felt

In order to please the Kins Family, she deliberately reduced her interactions with Donald’s family. But they didn’t hold any grudges and continued to treat her well. She realized how foolish she had been in the 

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Chapter 25 Donald And His Family 


past. Instead of enjoying a life where she was loved and cared for, she chose to be a servant. Angela blinked and said, Donald, Hecate, it wasn’t them who drove me out. I came to the realization myself and didn’t 

cant to stay in that household anymore

Queenie poured two cups of warm water and handed one to Angela, speaking softly. It’s best if you’ve come to this realization on your own. The Kins Family is heartless. After they treated you like that, there’s nothing worth holding onto.” 

Taking the cup, Angela took a sip and immediately felt warmth spreading through her body. It wasn’t just her physical body, but her entire heart was enveloped in warmth. That longlost feeling seemed to have returned all at once

Queenie is absolutely right. In this family, no one will tolerate any mistreatment towards you. If you have any needs, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Consider this place your own home. Holding Angela’s hand. Hecate gazed at her with a tender expression. She had watched this child grow up since she was little, and Angela had always been obedient and sensible. Hecate couldn’t comprehend how the Kins Family could be so heartless and do such despicable things to their own daughter. Despite Fanny being raised by them for over a decade and having a closer relationship, blood is thicker than water. Angela was Hecate’s sisterinlaw’s flesh and blood. How could she not love her own flesh and blood and instead shower affection on a cunning outsider

Hecate still vividly remembered when Angela was first brought back; she was thin, quiet, shy, and introverted. Initially, her sisterinlaw felt sorry for her, but gradually, she favored Fanny more. She believed that Angela was timid and lacked confidence, and she didn’t possess the charm that Fanny had. Angela was reserved, so Scarlet didn’t warm up to her

It was Charlotte who noticed that Angela wasn’t thriving in that household and brought her back to raise her. She raised her for several years. It was only when Charlotte’s health deteriorated that Angela was sent back. But how long had she been back before she was forced to leave again? Hecate felt extremely uneasy

Donald entered the kitchen, tied an apron around his waist, and said to the others, You guys chat. I’ll start cooking

Hecate took out the fruits from the refrigerator, washed them, and arranged them on a fruit tray in front of Angela. Just make yourself at home. Help yourself to anything you want to eat or drink. If you need anything, just let us know. Don’t feel like a stranger.” 

Angela smiled and nodded, saying, Thank you, Aunt Hecate.” 

As she watched Donald busily working in the kitchen, Angela couldn’t help but think about her uncle’s fate in her previous life, and her heart skipped a beat

Who would have imagined that he, always strong and healthy, would be diagnosed with latestage gastric cancer a few years later? By then, it had become so severe that he struggled to eat, and soon after, he passed away. Reflecting on this. Angela felt uneasy. The incubation period of cancer is excessively long. and she had personally experienced it in her previous life

Stomachaches were a common symptom, and many people underestimated them, believing that taking medication could alleviate the pain without the need to go to the hospital. Only when the painkillers ceased to be effective did they consider seeking medical attention, but by then, it was already too late. She needed to find a way to persuade Uncle Donald to undergo a physical examination in order to detect and treat it early, thus avoiding so many troubles

Peeling an orange for Angela, Hecate smiled affectionately. Silly child, we’re all family here; there’s not 

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Chapter 25 Donald And His Family 


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