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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 254

Chapter 254 I’m Going to Smash Your Head 

Chapter 254 I’m Going to Smash Your Head 

Nothing.Angela pointed at him with a bottle, threatening, I’m just going to smash your head.” 


For a moment, Howard was taken aback, then he burst into laughter. You? Little girl, do know who I am? Behave yourself and serve me well tonight, otherwise you won’t be able to leave!” 

Tsk!Jessica sneered, You look like you have problems performing sexually, and yet you’re indulging in parties all day long. You’re obviously not going to survive much longer. With your skinny arms and legs, who are you trying to kidnap?” 

Howard turned around and glared, his tone was frivolous as he said, Oh, two more girls are here. What? Do all of you want to take me on together? It seems like you lack excitement in your daily life. Well, since I’m in a good mood today, I’ll go easy on you.” 

His crude language made everyone frown, and the commotion grew louder. More people gathered to watch, but everyone was just there for the spectacle; no one really came to help

Howard, what’s happening?” 

What’s going on here?” 

Oh, so many beautiful ladies tonight.” 

Behind Angela, several voices came, and a few welldressed young men approached her and her friends

They were Howard’s friends

Angela didn’t want to linger. Dragging Sarah, she tried to enter the private room they had reserved, but their path was blocked by Howard

He looked at Angela with disdain. Tsk, weren’t you just being arrogant? Why are you backing. down now?” 

Used to fool around, Howard was not afraid of this kind of situation at all, especially when facing a few ladies. Furthermore, with his friends coming over one after another, he had even fewer reservations

Get lost. Howard is just picking up girls.” 

What are you looking at? Keep staring and we’ll gouge your eyes out.” 



Chapter 254 I’m Going to Smash Your Head 

I’ll see who’s still watching the show.” 

+5 Free Coins 

Howard’s group of friends halfthreatened and halfwarned the onlookers in the other private rooms to leave, and then they surrounded Angela and her friends

They even whispered to each other, making comments about Angela and the girls

Sarah pulled Angela aside, shook her head, and said, Thank you, but I’ll handle this myself.” 

How are you going to handle it?Angela glanced at Sarah’s pale face and said gently, Since we’re already involved, do you think everything will be fine if we back off now?” 

Sarah knew it was unlikely

Seeing Angela backing down a bit, Howard was even more pleased, reaching out to touch her. face. However, she was quick to dodge, not only avoiding his touch but also hitting him on the head with a bottle

Suddenly, blood oozed out of Howard’s head

With glass shards all over his head, he stared at Angela in disbelief. How dare you hit me, you witch!” 

This sounded familiar. When Sarah hit him earlier, Howard had said the same thing. For some reason, Angela felt like laughing at this tough guy with a weak corc

HowardHow dare she?” 

Get her!” 

The people who were originally watching the show instantly approached Angela and her group after seeing Howard being beaten

Sarah stood in front of Angela while Cassie and Jessica also did not back down, quickly squeezing in to stand by Angela and Sarah

What do you want?Although Jessica was a little scared, she tried to restrain herself and warned, My cousin is a VIP here. You better not mess around.” 

Howard felt his bleeding head and was furious. Drag these girls into our private room and let’s have some fun.” 

Whether it was the alcohol or his arrogance speaking, he blurted out such words, but now was a time when the law was respected, unlike the old days when the underworld ruled society


Chapter 254 I’m Going to Smash Your Head 

A few men lunged, but Jessica and Cassie stood their ground, shouting and striking those who attempted to grab them

The assailants were taken aback and ended up sustaining multiple injuries, which stopped them from acting recklessly

Howard sneered. You guys are pathetic. Come on! How can you be intimidated by a few girls?” 

Upon hearing this, everyone exchanged glances and charged forward

Wait, hold on.” 

Just then, the manager rushed over, accompanied by several burly security guards in 


Howard narrowed his eyes. What’s happening?” 

The manager tried to placate him. You don’t need to do something like this yourselves. We will handle it. He gestured toward the second floor. There are private rooms upstairs with fewer people.” 

Satisfied with the manager’s approach, Howard nodded. He led his friends out while the manager directed the security guards to surround Angela and the others

The manager, with a serious yet smiling demeanor, spoke assertively, Ladies, it appears there is a misunderstanding between you and Mr. Sims. Why don’t we find a quieter place to discuss?” 

Jessica glared at the manager. And what if we refuse?” 

The manager maintained his smile, speaking in a friendly tone, Everyone present holds a certain status, so causing a scene here wouldn’t be appropriate.” 

Jessica scoffed, My cousin is a regular here. If he knows you’re treating us like this, he won’t be pleased.” 

The manager smiled but remained silent, bowing slightly and extending a hand. Please, ladies

Jessica’s cousin was not to be trifled with, but neither was Howard. Moreover, this club was a business affiliated with the Sims Corporation

A mere manager couldn’t offend Howard. Hence, his only option was to stall for time. He had already dispatched someone to inform Jessica’s cousin in the meantime


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