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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 What Is The Plot Again? 

Howard frowned, glancing at Angela’s smile with a sense of unease. His words stumbled a bit. What do you 


Angela snorted, Don’t worry, I’m not as shameless as you. My request is simple and within your capabilities.” 

Ethan nervously wiped the sweat from his forehead and quickly interjected. Mrs. Lawson, please proceed.” 

Firstly, you need to cover the medical expenses. The rest of us are fine, just a bit shaken, but Sarah was seriously hurt. She won’t be able to work during her recovery, so the Sims Family should take responsibility,Angela stated calmly

Ethan nodded. Of course.” 

ThenAngela paused before continuing, If Sarah wishes to continue working at the club, you must not take the opportunity to retaliate against her or discriminate against her. If I find anything inappropriate…” 

Of course.Ethan hastily agreed before Angela could finish. That’s only fair. It’s all because of this unfilial son of mine who caused all this trouble.” 

It was just a job. If they didn’t hire Sarah, they would find someone else. These requests were not unreasonable

Ethan suddenly realized that Mrs. Lawson was indeed young, kind, and very reasonable in her approach, standing her ground even when justified. If not for Jonathan’s protection, she might have faced more trouble

Angela was pleased with Ethan’s response. But when she glanced at Howard, impatience flickered in her eyes

Her expression darkened as she continued, Lastly, I hope Mr. Howard sincerely apologizes to me and my friends at the club in front of his friends. Especially” 


Angela emphasized the name

Everything happened because Howard disrespected Sarah and tried to harass her

Ethan didn’t immediately agree to this request



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Chapter 260 What Is The Plot Again

He looked at his son. Howard was agitated. No. If you want money, just say it directly. If it’s not enough, we can take more. Why bother with all this?” 

Will I still have a place in society if I do this

Apologizing to Angela is trivial. No one will dare mock me at the Sanders Mansion or the club, even if

  1. do

But what about Sarah

Aside from her looks, what is her background

I can’t even successfully flirt with a woman, and I end up being beaten. And now. I hav 

that woman

If word gets out to those who don’t usually associate with me, I’m a laughingstock for life


I would rather spend more money than lose face like this

bow down to 

At this moment, Violet also spoke up to support her son, Exactly. Mrs. Lawson, you can inquire aboutthe girl’s compensation. Any amount is acceptable. As for a public apology, let’s forget about it.” 

Angela’s expression darkened, showing some displeasure

At this moment, Jonathan coldly snorted, furrowing his brows. Do you think the Sims Family has too much money?” 

His tone was light, but it weighed heavily on Ethan

Ethan hurriedly clarified, No. Mr. Lawson, you misunderstand. We” 

Or maybe Mrs. Sims has a different perspective,” Angela interjected with a hint of coldness. But I wonder how much the Sims Family is willing to offer?” 

Violet was taken aback, instinctively seeking confirmation from Jonathan to decipher Angela’s sincerity or sarcasm

Jonathan raised an eyebrow, remaining silent

Angela had signaled to him earlier, and he understood her intentions

However, Angela had never been overly concerned about money



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Chapter 260 What Is The Plot Again

Why is she suddenly relenting

What is she planning

But, regardless of Angela’s wishes, he would support her unconditionally

With this in mind, Jonathan’s expression darkened again, masking his emotions

Angela looked at Ethan pleasantly and asked, I wonder how much the Sims Family truly values their apology?” 

Violet’s eyes flickered as she stated a figure directly

Angela’s expression turned cold, and she spoke with some displeasure. It appears that Howard’s apology is only worth this much. Well, let him apologize. It will bring closure to everyone.” 

Ethan quickly rectified, No. The fault lies with our son. Mrs. Lawson, please do not be upset

and your friends. Regardless of the This time, our son crossed a line, causing harm to you compensation amount, we are willing to provide it.” 

Angela nodded, looking at him with a happy expression. Indeed. When one makes a mistake, they naturally have to pay the price. If Mr. Simsson is willing to sacrifice his dignity for this sum of money, he does not need to pay naturally. But if not, it’s only fair to buy back his dignity with money.” 

Ethan nodded in agreement

After some consideration, he gritted his teeth and started a figure

He winced at the sum

Although the Sims Family was affluent, it was still a substantial amount tek part with

She looked at Ethan with a smile, her eyes full of amusement. Despite giving birth to an unsuccessful son, he was still a figure to be reckoned with. However, she wasn’t trying to 

extort money from the Sims Fay. She just wanted to teach them a lesson

Angela pressed down on the amount, saying leisurely, I’ll only take what my friends deserve. I won’t take a single extra penny.” 

Ethan felt relieved, acknowledging Angela’s fairness

At that moment, he comprehended why Jonathan had chosen to marry such an unconventional woman


Chapter 200 What Is The Plot Again

74% 1203 

After the Sims Family left, Angela gazed at Jonathan with a hint of curiosity, feeling slightly. uneasy. Why are you looking at nie like that?” 

Jonathan smiled warmly. You didn’t seek an apology from Howard. You simply wanted them to compensate. Is it for Sarah?” 

Angela looked at him, admiration evident on her face. How did you know

Jonathan slowly raised the corner of his lips, appearing pleased. For you, money isn’t important, especially when it comes in this way. You wouldn’t take it.” 

Jessica and Cassie were not severely injured and did not need money. If it were them, they would likely prefer to tarnish Howard rather than accept the comp Jonathan’s reasoning was clear and logical. You mentioned earlier that Sarah assisted you

And since she works at the club, it indicates she’s short of money and was the most severely injured.” 

Angela nodded in agreement, expressing admiration. Jonathan, you truly have a keen insight. I indeed requested conipensation for Sarah, as her father is unwell and she may be struggling financially.” 

A substantial sum of money was undeniably more practical than Howard’s superficial apology 

Furthermore, this wasn’t extortion. It was rightfully claimed compensation for mental anguish

She believed that Sarah wouldn’t refuse

Indeed, Sarah graciously accepted, expressing heartfelt gratitude toward Angela

She would not take money that was not rightfully hers, such as borrowing from lames or Yusof, as she had her dignity

However, she would not feign refusal for money that was rightfully owed to her

Recognizing Angela’s genuine desire to assist her and not needing money, she hypocritically offered to share the money with Angela

Sarah stated solemnly, I may not be able to repay you now. If you ever need me, I will be there.” 

This was her promise

She made this vow because she understood that Angela was unlike Fanny, who lacked 



Chapter 260 What Is The Plot Again


Angela’s willingness to help her despite the risks made her recognize Angela as a compassionate individual

After bidding farewell, they each departed

Unbeknownst to them, not far away. Fanny and Christopher were enjoying a date

They sat by the window on the second floor of the tea house

From there, they could see Riverdon’s famous Lake Cladra. Under the sunlight, the lake’s surface ripples slightly, shining with golden light, and the location is prime real estate, hence 

the name


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