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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 What Are You Looking At

Chapter 30 What Are You Looking At

+5 F# Cons 

Donald and Hecate arrived home one after the other. They were aware that Angela was going to cook medicinal food, but since she didn’t want to elaborate, they didn’t inquire further and quickly changed the subject

Noticing that Emilia didn’t bring up the matter again, Angela felt relieved and somewhat surprised

In her memory, Emilia was a person who was petty and mean

When she was ten years old, she came to Donald’s house to play with her cousin Queenie. Queenie gave her half of an apple to share, but when she turned around, she saw Emilia, whom she had just met, frowning and staring at her

Later, she heard from the neighborsgossip about Grandma’s opinion of her- 

An unwanted child with no manners, just coming to her daughter’s house to freeload. She’s nothing but a glutton who gets greedy at the sight of an apple.” 

The adults openly mocked her, traumatizing Angela because she was just a child

Fortunately, Emilia returned to her hometown shortly after, and Angela gradually began to enjoy visiting Donald’s place

Now, Angela was no longer the child who could only be ridiculed by others, but the house hadn’t been renovated yet, so she had to stay at Donald’s house for the time being. She didn’t want any conflicts with Grandma that would create an uncomfortable atmosphere at home. As long as Emilia didn’t cause trouble, Angela was content to be at ease

There were no classes the next morning, so after studying at home for a while, she went to the market and selected a plump and delicious sea bass. She asked the vendor to clean it and brought it home to make sea bass soup with lily and cinnamonvine

When she opened the plastic jar where she had stored the dried lilies yesterday, she was taken aback. She didn’t know if it was her imagination, but she felt that there were fewer dried lilies in the jar than when she put them in yesterday

Initially, Angela didn’t pay much attention to it, but when she opened the box of dried cinnamonvine and the box of wolfberries, she realized something was amiss. Each of them had less. She did mention to her family that she could use these ingredients for cookingbut the meals they made last night and this morning didn’t include any of them

Angela furrowed her brow, but now she was the only one at home. Donald and Hecate had already gone to work, and Emilia had gone to the park to exercise with the other ladies. She could only set this matter aside for now

After spending an hour in the kitchen, a steaming bowl of sea bass soup with lilies and cinnamonvine was ready. Angela didn’t know how much food Jonathan could eat, so she tried her best to fill the insulated lunchbox to the brim

When she made arrangements with Sebastian yesterday, Angela had already asked for Jonathan’s address. It turned out to be in a residential area near the military zone


15.56 Wed, 28 Feb GGO 

Chapter 30 What Are You Looking At


+5 Free Coins 

Upon arriving. Angela realized belatedly that Jonathan’s place was actually very close to her grandmother’s house, just around the corner. Behind her grandmother’s house was a villa area guarded by security personnel at the entrance. It was no less impressive than the villa areas of the future, even after more than 

a decade 

Unable to enter due to the presence of security guards, Angela called Sebastian, who quickly arrived and brought her inside. It was a beautiful autumn day, with blue skies and white clouds. The villa area was filled with blooming flowers, and sparrows flew by from time to time, creating a picturesque scene

After a short while, Sebastian stopped and pointed to a villa in front, saying, We’ve arrived” 

Angela looked up and saw a standalone villa that seemed out of place. Not to mention the simple exterior design of the villa; even the small garden outside was bare. Compared to the lush greenery along the way. this place looked like a wasteland

Thisis Jonathan’s home

While Angela was still in a daze, Sebastian had already unlocked the door and greeted her with a smile, Angela, you’re early. Master Jonathan is still in his office. Please wait outside for a moment.” 

Okay, Sebastian,she replied, following him. Even though she didn’t intend to explore, she couldn’t help but be taken aback by the strong minimalist style of the villa’s interior

Sebastian had mentioned that Jonathan lived alone, but the house was excessively monotonous. Every empty space was devoid of any decoration, and even the dining table only had one chair

Despite wearing flat shoes, Angela could hear the echo of her footsteps as she walked through the empty villa. It was beyond minimalistic. If someone didn’t know any better, they would assume that the renovation had just begun and no one had moved in yet

With Sebastian by her side, Angela didn’t feel too overwhelmed. However, when Sebastian entered the room to inform Jonathan, she was left standing outside alone. A sudden wave of loneliness washed over her, making it difficult to breathe

Fortunately, Sebastian soon opened the door again and said with a smile, Angela, come in quickly.” 

Angela hurriedly entered the room, and a faint woody fragrance enveloped her. She looked up and saw Jonathan’s handsome face, which made her inexplicably nervous. She raised the lunchbox in her hand and greeted obediently, Jonathan.” She had come to deliver medicinal meals to him

Jonathan nodded slightly in response

Angela approached and placed the food container down. After hesitating for a moment, she took out a small notebook from her pocket and spoke hesitantly in a low voice, Jonathan, during this period, I have mainly prepared nourishing meals for you to regulate your body. Let your physical condition stabilize first, and then you can consume stronger therapeutic meals in the next treatment cycleThese are some precautions I have written for you regarding the use of medicinal meals.” 


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